Training – Introduction to Data Analysis

by Junaid.Tahir
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According to QuestionPro, Data analysis is the science of examining a set of data to draw conclusions about the information to be able to make decisions or simply to expand the knowledge on various subjects. It consists of subjecting data to operations

Overview Training – Introduction to Data Analysis

Data analysis is a rigorous discipline that can reveal illuminating insights, but a strong grasp of the fundamentals is essential to generating accurate, useful results. This hands-on course will teach you the industry-standard framework for analyzing data of any kind, and show you how to apply it using some of the most popular tools in data science

What You Will Learn from Training – Introduction to Data Analysis

Learn the data analysis process of wrangling, exploring, analyzing and communicating data. Work with data in Python, using libraries like NumPy and Pandas. In part 1, you’ll choose one of Udacity’s curated datasets and investigate it using NumPy and Pandas. You’ll complete the entire data analysis process, starting by posing a question and finishing by sharing your findings

How to Enroll and Complete

Data Analysis jobs are on the rise. If you would like to take this course, please visit Udacity link to jumpstart your career

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