10 Awesome Tips To Improve Writing Skills For Children

10 Awesome Tips To Improve Writing Skills For Children

If you’re a parent, teaching your children how to write is an essential skill that will help them succeed in the future. This post will provide tips to improve writing skills for children of all ages.

What Is A Good Writing Skill for Children? Simply put, it’s one they can do. There are things parents and teachers can do to help children learn how to write, but the best way is for the child to start writing. You don’t have to force writing or make the process anything exciting. It should be fun and enjoyable. Tell your child to write about anything they want to; it doesn’t matter what it is. Just help them get started writing and encourage them as they go along.

Forcing a child to write when they don’t want to could have the opposite effect of making them hate writing forever. So just let them do their own thing, as long as they’re physically writing (not typing) on some paper.

The benefit of a Good Writing Skill to Children

Good writing skill has a huge benefit to children as it helps them in all subjects at school. Reading, writing, and spelling are the basic building blocks of education, so that most schools will put a lot of emphasis on these skills. The sooner kids learn these skills, the better.

Here are some examples of the benefits of a good writing skill:

Writing letters helps your child learn to spell correctly and adequately make their letters. It will help them in the future when they start learning to write paragraphs, stories, and any other written work they may have to do in school. It’s easy for anyone to know letter names when you write them out by hand and ask your child to say each letter. You can also play the game where you tell your child to find the letter, and they have to copy it down or come up with a word that starts with that letter.

Writing short stories helps in writing paragraphs and makes your child practice writing sentences. Your child must start learning about the idea of different sentences to use in their writing. You can also play the game with your child to give them a word and ask them to come up with a sentence or a story that ends with that word.

10 Creative Tips to Improve Writing Skills of Children

Are you looking for ways to improve your child’s writing skills? Are they having trouble learning how to write? This post has ten creative tips and ideas to help your child become a better writer.

Tip #1: Tell them “Just Write.”

Please don’t force them to write but let them do it on their own. Make sure they are physically writing on some paper rather than typing. You want them to learn the feeling of holding a pencil or pen and moving it across the paper, forming letters and words as they go. If they are typing their work, though, they won’t be able to use the same muscle memory and will need to focus and be careful when doing so.

Tip #2: Set up a “Catch Phrase”

As your child is writing, ask them if they are ready to share, but don’t put words in their mouth. It will help them learn to express themselves in writing. Ask open-ended questions such as “What do you think… ” and “I wonder what happened next.”

Tip #3: Encourage them to write down their ideas

They must learn to write down all their ideas as they come up and don’t forget them. Let them know that you want to hear about their ideas and plans, not just what they have written down. Your child needs to learn how to write out goals, create a storyboard or outlines so they can use these later at school when doing projects.

Tip #4: Look for Errors

Looking for the errors in your child’s writing will improve their skills. It’s easy to fix a simple misspelled word or mistake in a sentence but harder to fix the errors in letters and paragraphs. One major thing you want to watch out for is if they accidentally write their name backward or use different capitalization in their writing. It may take time, but it will help them learn how to use correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation more efficiently.

Tip #5: Read and Discuss

They must practice reading their work to see how it sounds when spoken out loud. It may feel a bit silly, but it will help them learn how to read their writing aloud and clearly. It’s also essential that they discuss their work with you. Please encourage them to ask questions, explain what they don’t understand, or create new ideas for stories based on what you share. It will help them learn to think and collaborate more.

Tip #6: Create Compelling Stories

Please encourage your child to create stories based on anything they want to. They may have seen a movie, read a fairy tale, even heard a song, and want to use those ideas in a series of books or short stories. These are great examples of the type of things that could work well for children’s writing.

Tip #7: Look for Great Read-Alouds

Many excellent books will inspire children to read, write and learn. These books should include exciting characters, stories that can be used as examples for children, and beautiful illustrations. It will show your child what they need to do to create a compelling account.

Tip #8: Write an Article

Have your child write a news article focusing on something they have experienced or want to talk about. It will help them learn to create news articles using interesting language, facts, and even personal feelings. It is a good way for your child to practice writing stories and use good grammar and spelling.

Tip #9: Create a Storyboard

Help them develop characters, setting, plot and create a storyboard for their story. They need to understand how all these parts come together to create a fantastic piece of writing. Also, they must know that they can change any part of the story along the way if needed.

Tip #10: Encourage Their Interest

Identify what your child is interested in and find ways to work with them on their writing. If they are fascinated by dinosaurs, then help them create a series of books based on the topic. Once they have developed their ideas, ask them to share them with you. Children need to have a creative outlet, which could be just the thing to help them get started.

Please help your child develop as a writer by providing them with the tools to become a great author, whether they like to write fiction or nonfiction. Have them behave in the same way when they illustrate their work as when they are writing and reading. These tips will help your child quickly learn how to write better and more creatively.

Thank you for reading this post! I want to ask you for your opinion on this article. If you agree or disagree with any of these ideas – please leave me a comment below!

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Bullying Story of a 12 Years Old Student

Bullying Story of a 12 Years Old Student

Hello friends, I am 12 years old and I would like to tell my aweful bullying story from my first day at school.

First day at school 

To begin with, I will talk about my first day at school which did not go so well. It was the first day of September and I was very nervous. In the morning of my first day of school it looked like it was about to rain and my knee was hurting a lot because I injured it just a couple of days ago by falling from the monkey bars at a park. I dressed up and ate food then left for the school bus.

The bullying story starting scene

   After the bus ride it was very hard for me to walk and reach my class. The clouds were crying by the time I had reached. I reached very late in class because it was the first time I came to this school and did not have much idea on how to navigate to my class. When I finally reached class I had a Math period which was about to finish. After that, I had a break. I saw some boys from grade 10 and they were staring at me. At first, I ignored them, then they started following me which made me more nervous yet I tried to ignore them.

   Next, luckily, the break had just finished and those boys left me alone and went to their class. I had a few more classes and then it was home time. Those boys followed me again but this time they came to me and one of them said, “Hey kid, you look like a weirdo and you look stupid.” Then, another one shouted and said, “Hey champ, You look smart, do my homework.” I didn’t know anything because I just guessed that they were from grade 10.

I then started running because of fear enduring the pain in my knee. Suddenly, those kids started catching up on me because I was running slower than a snail due to the pain in my knee. Nonetheless, with heavy bag on my shoulders, I kept running then I fell due to the pain in my knee whcih grew worst and now it was bleeding too. Having this terrible mental and physical stressful situation, i missed my school bus. I had no choice but to start walking towards my home. At this point in time, i felt like my home was a billion miles away.

The twist in the bullying story

    Continuing on, I finally saw a police guard on the street and told him that some boys were chasing me and were trying to bully me. Then the nice and kind policeman came with me and I led him to the boys that were annoying me. Now, the situation was twisted and it was boys’ turn to run away from me and the policeman chased them down. While he was following them, he called his colleague to take me to the hospital.

police man school student crime
Bullying Story of a 12 Years Old Student 36

The policeman’s colleague then called my parents and they immidiately drove to the hospital. After thorough testing by the doctor it was revealed that my bone was partially fractured and it would take several weeks to heal up. Due to the continuous paing, I felt that a lion had bit me in the leg. The other policeman then finally caught those boys and called their parents too. Those boys were in big trouble now.

Follow up and Investigation by parents and school adminstration

The story doesnt end here. My parents went to the school next day and formally registered a complaint to the school and demanded investigation as well as strict monitring setup in the school so that kids bullying can be controlled properly. Also it was mentioned that teachers should take active part to stop bullying in the class

    All in all, it was a bad experience I had but the coolest part was that the bullying kids were punished by the school and I got medical leave from the hospital to stay home as a result of which I enjoyed playing videogames more than the routine duration. My leg still pained a lot for one or two months, but it was something I had experienced for the first time. After one month I made new friends at school and enjoyed playing games with them.

Final Advice

My suggestion to all the kids out there is not to feel shy or fearful if encountered such situation, instead face the bullying kids with bold attitude and let them know they will have to face consequences. Also in such situation, immidiately shout out to any senior person or teacher near by. The better you face it the better control you will have on the situation.

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24 Critical Problems of Online Classes (and 6 advantages)

24 Critical Problems of Online Classes (and 6 advantages)

Corona has disturbed the education ecosystem as a result of which several problems of online classes have emerged. Schools have adopted online methods of teaching however there are numerous critical problems associated with this approach. It is important that institutions, in collaboration with parents and respective stakeholders, work tirelessly to come up with strategies and action plans to resolve (or reduce the impact of ) these challenges. Below is a list of 24 problems of online classes

24 Disadvantages of Online Classes (E-Learning)

  1. Teachers cannot see what students are doing which directly impacts the quality of education as teachers cannot supervise the students properly.
  2. During normal school hours kids do a lot of physical movement in breaks whereas during online classes no major physical activity happens which leads to kids’ health issues.
  3. Kids learn a lot from each other when they socialize in school. Socializing results in exchange of information and ideas, establishes mutual trust and emotional bonding with each other and improves several personality traits. Online classes directly impact the grooming of kids.
  4. Due to continuous sitting in front of the screen, kids’ eyesight gets impacted or may lead to back issues due to extended sitting in the same posture.
  5. Families with more than one kid have to purchase additional tabs or computers which is a major cost for many middle-class parents.
  6. Many parents and kids have to face IT and network related problems. Families that do not have much exposure to technology suffer a lot due to this.
  7. Teachers cannot judge the level of comprehension of students and sometimes unable to provide ‘additional’ explanations to students. Usually, in regular classroom teaching, teachers can easily judge if the students are not grasping the concepts and he/she can exert extra efforts to let kids fathom the concepts.online classes
  8. Many schools do not have a mechanism to check online homework. Teachers cannot check students’ textbooks, copy books and work books . Many students take ‘advantage’ of this and do not complete home assignments.
  9. Students may not follow instructions and rules and do not comply, knowing that school can’t do anything.
  10. Students and parents are not comfortable with the new ways of class tests and have to put extra effort into learning new mechanisms.
  11. Some students can easily deceive the exam system and take help from their siblings to pass the exam.
  12. Students can easily skip classes. Even if the teacher takes the attendance at start, it is quite easy for student to miss it for the rest of the class tenure
  13. Due to no interaction with class fellowes, students get bored which leads to distraction from study
  14. Students can play online games or watch videos while being ‘present’ in online class.
  15. Students may get distracted due to mic issues, speakers issues or other computer issues [such as patch upgrades, software restart etc]
  16. Students may take extended breaks for water or for washroom which may result in missing important parts of lessons.
  17. Since the students do not have to wake up early and get ready for school, they tend to sleep late which makes them dizzy during the class. Some students may fall asleep during the class. Sleeping late also impacts their health.
  18. Many students cannot practice what the teacher has taught. This lowers their graph of learning.
  19. Students do not get personal attention from the teacher in general and for specific problems.
  20. Some teachers do not produce qualitative presentations for kids to elaborate the contents.
  21. Students keep calling their parents for many small matters which creates stress for the parents.
  22. If one sibling makes noise, others can no longer pay attention to their classes. Small/medium size homes do not have adequate numbers of rooms to manage this.
  23. Some schools are charging extra fees for the online softwares, apps development and other IT services which is an additional burden on parents.
  24. To provide comfortable learning environments, students need a dedicated study table and overall setup. Families with 2 or more kids cannot purchase and manage extra furniture due to space and money constraints.
kid studying 1 1
24 Critical Problems of Online Classes (and 6 advantages) 62

6 Advantages of Online Classes (E-Learning)

  1. Parents do not have to worry about making their kids ready for school early morning. They don’t need to make sure if the uniform is pressed, the kids’ school bag is ready and their lunch box is packed.
  2. Parents can monitor how their child is studying in the class. How much does he/she participate in the class. Parents can also get a feeling on how other students are responding in the class. This gives them an idea on how much extra efforts are needed for their kids to cover the gap, if any.
  3. Parents save money for not purchasing uniforms, for not paying school bus fees, for not filling the petrol / gasoline and not giving pocket money for the lunch.
  4. Parents do not have to worry about what kids eat from school canteen as they can serve homemade food to their loved ones.
  5. Students are free during the breaks in which they can spend time with parents or can do anything they like.
  6. While staying home, kids don’t get bullied which is a sigh of relief for some of the parents.

Additional resources: Disadvantages of online learning

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School Review: Choueifat School Sharjah, UAE

School Review: Choueifat School Sharjah, UAE


Choeifat school system is one of the oldest school systems of middle east with 30+ branches in UAE, Middle East, Europe, America and Australia. According to Wikipedia

SABIS is an education management organization that operates schools in fifteen countries on five continents in both the private and public sectors [1] and licenses a proprietary education program. According to the company, schools in the SABIS Network educate over 70,000 students and implement a proven, proprietary system.

Positive Reviews

–          Choeifat Sharjah School area is huge which makes it convenient for managing hundreds of students in terms of classrooms, physical activities, pick-up and drop off points for parents, school transportation system.

–          Quality of education is very good as school has systematic approach which is based on years of research across the globe.

–          Quality of teachers is very good. Selection of teachers seem to be qualitative and most of the time students provide positive feedback about teachers and the way of teaching

–          School has earned its respect as one of the highest rated school in the community

–          School treats the student (specially teenagers) as adults that develop more maturity and help student become confident members of society and better professionals in their life.

–          School provides prayer room for the kids

–          Teachers are chosen from the wide range of nationalities which gives a lot of exposure and diversification to the students in terms of culture awareness, speaking accent and approach of teaching.

Critical Reviews

–          Support staff’s behavior is not friendly. Many parents are not comfortable while interacting with school staff.

–          School has less focus on Islamic studies.

–          School area is huge whereas most of the walking areas are not shaded. With high temperatures for almost 8-9 months of the year, it is not easy to walk from the parking area to the class or the administration section.

–          School books (physical and e-learning) is one of the costliest.

–          Schools expects parents to pay full fee for the first semester 6 months in advance which makes hard for the parents. This seriously affects the expat community to pay the full fee in advance

–          Students must have high-end tabs in order to run the e-learning application.

Need more reviews about Choeifat Sharjah? Visit this resource


If your kids are studying in this school, we encourage you to provide your opinion (small or detailed one) which would help other parents. In case your kids are not studying here and you have read this school review for choosing (or not choosing) this school for your kid(s), we recommend reading our detailed articles:

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8 Famous International competitions For students

8 Famous International competitions For students

Introduction In a world increasingly driven by innovation and knowledge, international competitions present a unique platform for students to showcase their talents, explore new horizons, and connect with peers from around the globe. These 8 Famous International...

10 Impressive Student Resume Tips

10 Impressive Student Resume Tips

Introduction Hey there, students! Ready to make a splash in the job market? Crafting a stellar resume is your first step to success. Don't worry if your experience section feels a bit light – there are plenty of ways to showcase your skills and potential. In this...

12 Important Rights of Orphans and Associated Challenges

12 Important Rights of Orphans and Associated Challenges

Orphans are among the most vulnerable members of society, often facing a myriad of challenges that can impact their well-being and future prospects. Recognizing the importance of protecting the rights of orphans, international organizations and governments have...

70 Plus Vital Actions for Teacher Regulatory Body

70 Plus Vital Actions for Teacher Regulatory Body

A teacher regulatory body, often known as a teacher regulatory authority or teacher licensing board, plays a crucial role in the education system by ensuring the quality, professionalism, and ethical standards of educators. Here are some reasons why it is important to...

5 Great Resources for Dynamic STEM Teaching

5 Great Resources for Dynamic STEM Teaching

Understanding the significance of STEM education is key to unlocking the potential of the next generation of innovators and thinkers. In a world where science, technology, engineering, and mathematics increasingly shape our everyday lives, effective STEM instruction...

10 Digital Tools To Enhance Creative Learning in Schools

10 Digital Tools To Enhance Creative Learning in Schools

Key Takeaways ThemeDescription1. Project-Based LearningEngaging students in project-based learning fosters creativity, collaboration, and problem-solving skills.2. Student-Centric LearningTailoring teaching methods to individual student needs fosters a more engaging...

20 Private School KPIs to Measure Overall Quality

20 Private School KPIs to Measure Overall Quality

Measuring the enhancement of a school's overall quality of education, sports, facilities, extracurricular activities, and the promotion of students' careers can involve a wide range of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). Here are possible 20 Private school KPIs for...

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