5 Tutoring Programs that Can Benefit Your Kiddos

5 Tutoring Programs that Can Benefit Your Kiddos

Giving your kids the tools they’ll need is every parent’s dream. The only thing you have to figure out is which tools will prove vital to your children’s future. The following are 5 Tutoring Programs that Can Benefit Your Kiddos.

5 Tutoring Programs that Can Benefit Your Kiddos

1. Tomorrow Coding

One type of tutoring that can help kids is coding. Computer programming and such will be useful for your kids. They’ll be able to deal with tomorrow’s problems more effectively. Check out this resource that talks about 7 reasons why coding is important.

They’ll learn skills that could help them in the future. Plus, it’ll give them something to rely on. Coding could also open up job opportunities. While this might not sound too fun, your kids might find it delightful if they work with the right tutoring program. Coding could also help your kids with programming, which is another vital skill to learn depending on what your kids grow up to be.

2. English Forward

The next type of tutoring program you should focus on is the English language. This may seem a bit excessive because your children are already learning the language, but it can be helpful. The English language is quite complex, and your children can always learn a little more through English summer camps, just as an example.

The better grasp they have on the language, the better for them. If English is your children’s second language, these sorts of tutoring programs are even more important. Keep in mind that it’s almost impossible to know everything there is to know about this language, so you can always learn more.

3. Typing Focus

Typing is vital in today’s age, so this is something else you can help with. Most kids know how to type, but they can get better with the right instruction.

This could not only open up more jobs for them when they grow up, but it could give them confidence. It’s important to recognize that typing is vital, not only for entry jobs but also for jobs with higher responsibility. Investing in this skill is just wise. Even if your kids don’t use this skill for work, it’s still a smart thing to invest in. If they want to write poetry or literature, then typing proficiently will still be a good thing.

4. Foreign Option

Learning a second language is a good thing. If your kids already know one, then move on to a third or fourth one. Having kids learn more than one language in a world that is becoming more connected is just smart.

Your children will be better prepared to face the world. These additional languages will help your kids be an even better asset, no matter what type of job they decide to do. It also opens up the world to them, which is great. They can communicate more effectively.

5. Financial Fun

Financial literacy is an important subject, yet it’s usually ignored by schools. Understanding finances will not only help children when they are in a bind, but it’ll help them better manage their money, no matter how much they end up making when they grow up.

You’ll be surprised how much financial literacy can help someone. Most financial issues folks face stem from simply not knowing how to manage money well. You don’t want to send your kids out into the world without this basic skill. The good thing is that there are a lot of programs that focus on financial literacy for kids, so just choose one that fits your children.

Now, you know which programs to enroll your kids in, but there are many more to consider depending on your kids. For example, you could choose a training for your kids on self-driving cars.

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5 Whys Principle For Analytical Thinking Skill

5 Whys Principle For Analytical Thinking Skill

Analytical thinking plays a vital role in character development and decision making. Teens who develop analytical thinking at an early stage have a stronger possibility to become future thought leaders. Analytical thinking has several benefits such as:

1- Understanding a specific situation from different aspects

2- Finding out multiple contributing factors for a problem that requires a solution.

3- Enhancing emotional intelligence skills by understanding someone from emotional and behavioral perspectives.

4- Preparing a plan (for a project or family event) by focusing on all key elements that need to be attended to.

Although this article ‘5 Whys Principle For Analytical Thinking Skill’ is intended for students, please note that there is no specific age for learning it. So, whether you are a teenager or a parent, this article should help you kickstart your journey of developing Analytical Skills.

5 Whys Principle For Analytical Thinking Skill
Read Foundation Pakistan - Transforming Lives Through Education 21

Self Audit – Analytical Thinking

Let me initiate your learning process by asking these questions:
1-   Do you question why something has occurred?
2-   Do you consider if the problem has occurred because of some fault which could have been fixed? Or is this because of some human error which could have been controlled?
3-   Do you consider the quantum of the problem? How Small or big an impact it may have caused?
4-   Do you consider whether a specialist is required to eradicate the problem?
5-   Do you approach problem solving through breaking down the situation into smaller chunks and then addressing each one by one?

If the answer to most of the questions is No, then you need to ignite your thought process and start paying attention to the details associated with different events of your life. Let me explain this with 5 Whys Principle

5 Whys Principle For Analytical Thinking Skill

5 Whys Principle is used to find out the root cause of any problematic situation. Whenever you have a certain situation ask “WHY” at least 5 times to know the actual cause of the issue.

Let’s take a practical example to understand the 5 Whys principle and how it helps sharpen your analytical skills.

Imagine your kids could not reach school on time and they missed the first class. In this situation, you will apply the principle to find out the root cause.

1st Why: Why did the kids get late?

Answer: The school bus did not arrive on time.

2nd Why: Why the school bus did not arrive on time?

Answer: The bus tire was punctured

3rd Why: Why the puncture was not fixed last night?

Answer: Because the bus Fleet Supervisor did not perform his duty last night to check the tires of the bus.

4th Why: Why the Bus Fleet Supervisor was absent?

Answer: He was sick

5th Why: Why he did not inform the school about his sickness, or why school does not have a back-up resource to do the supervisor duty

Answer: The school has a shortage of resources and they must hire a back-up person or a quality manager to take care of such matters. Also school should have an emergency contract with a garage to fix the tire puncture issues within 30 minutes. Or school should have a mechanic to take care of most common issues. Or school should have one extra bus to manage the exceptions.

In this example, it is evident that the student could not reach school on time is note related to the driver performance instead school need to consider the improvement plans based on the 5 Whys analysis and conclusion  


Developing analytical thinking may take some effort but it is worth your time that you spend to learn this skill. Great analytical skills will help you make better decisions, drawing right conclusions, focusing on all possible angles for certain situations and eventually becoming a better human being and a great professional.

Additionally, here are a couple of resources with regards to personality development that you may want to consider reading:

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7 Cost-Efficient Organization Tips for Busy Parents

As busy parents, it can be difficult to find time to stay organized, but it is possible. With a few simple tips and tricks, you can get your family back on track and save money while doing so. 7 Cost-Efficient Organization Tips for Busy Parents

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5 Guiding Principles Of A Purposeful Life

5 Guiding Principles Of A Purposeful Life

One of the key success factors of effective parenting is how much guidance you have provided to your children for living a purposeful life. A purposeful living means that your children’s vision and their thinking pattern is aligned with some of the great values and should be empowered by large mental horizon, setting larger life goals and achieving excellence in their field of interest . This article is “5 Guiding Principles Of A Purposeful Life”

It is important to guide your teen agers that small minds will have limited purpose in their life. For example: landing a dream job, buying a big house, acquiring certain certification, getting settled in certain country and so on. These are necessities of life, not purpose of life. While these dreams are good to have, their vision should be to think of something universal and something beyond their personal benefits. Educate them that money is a by-product of their efforts. That means if they are able to successfully achieve larger goals in life, money will be coming their ways anyway!

5 Guiding Principles Of A Purposeful Life
5 Guiding Principles Of A Purposeful Life 23

5 Guiding Principles Of A Purposeful Life

What to Speak To Your Children – [5 Guiding Principles Of A Purposeful Life]

Remember that two days are very important in your life – The day you were born on and the day you find out why…. So Discover your purpose as early as possible.

  1. Do something that impacts the life of every soul on earth.
  2. Play and effective and assertive role to fix some serious problem of humanity
  3. Focus on spreading the good every day. Use the power of social media. Remember, every single good deed is appreciated by God and will be rewarded according to the level of purity. Remember, Great deeds are measured by God based on your intentions and efforts and not according to the result.
  4. Write down your vision (what do you want to achieve, where do you want to reach, what impact you want to have on the planet, what legacy you want to leave behind)
  5. Once you have clear vision, write down your mission statement which should include how you will achieve

Further Reading on Purposeful Life and Purposeful Living

The One and Only Cause of Failures

The One and Only Cause of Failures

I know the status of a man, God blessed him a healthy body and brain with – however he could not succeed in life. Whatever he started, he ended up failing it. Ultimately he lost his mental balance. With such a state of mind, he started wandering on the roads and streets, and one day a jeep hit him causing his death!

The reason for his failures was very basic: he used to blame others for his failures. Whereas the fact is that no one other than himself was the cause of his failures. While he could have used his capabilities to do more, earn more and achieve more, his blaming attitude was the one and only cause of failures.

The One and Only Cause of Failures
16 Inspirational Quotes About Teachers and Teaching 37

When he started his school and by the time he reached grade 10, he got involved in politics due to which his focus got distracted from study and consequently he failed in grade 10 and could not continue his study. He started a small shop but could not run it properly. He did not practice any punctuality to open it on time not he was able to maintain positive relationships with his customers due to negative mindset. So the shop didn’t progress well and it was closed. He started a small job but he thought it’s not up to his expectations, hence he was always confused about working there. Quite often he used to have brawls with his manager due to his habit of finding faults and blaming others. He lost the job too.

He tried several things but ended up failing every time. He used to blame others for every minor thing that used to happen in his life. He used to complain a lot about other people in his life. That person cannot see me growing, this person is unlucky in my life, this person has caused problems in my life, that person i don’t want to meet to. Throughout his life, he used to prove others wrong. And in the end, he proved himself wrong !

The One and Only Cause of Failures

While success and failures are part of life, our blaming attitude causes long term damage to our future. While, blaming others for our failures gives us easy escape but puts us in more dangerous situations. We have to pay a very heavy price in the race of life. While life keeps repeating the lessons until we learn from them, a wise person believes in continuous self-improvements, learns from his mistakes, changes his mindset and joins the league of successful people.  

Recommended Article: 7 reasons we fail

Advise To Parents:

1- Teach your kids to stay optimistic during crisis.

2- Empower your kids with positive mindset so that they can focus on solutions and opportunities when life offers them with challenges.

3- Complaining, Conspiring, Criticizing, Complicating and Corrupting attitude are the traits of losers. Help your kids understand 7 Super Powers and practice them.

Checkout our content rich article “68 Awesome Tips On Modern Parenting”

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70 Personality Attributes for Growth and Happiness

70 Personality Attributes for Growth and Happiness

Love and happiness are two most critical ingredients of a successful life. In order to attain the state of a satisfied and successful life, many wise people believe that every human has to achieve and sustain high index in familial, financial, emotional, occupational, mental, physical and spiritual aspects of life. 70 Personality Attributes for Growth and Happiness

While it may seem an uphill task, but with a little bit of tweaking of our personality and practicing some of the critical traits, we can set ourselves on the journey of happiness. This article covers 70 Personality Attributes for Growth and Happiness

According to six sigma’s ‘Continuous Improvement’ principles, the first step is to analyze where we stand. This below mentioned list should help you for assessing yourself on where you stand. Please note that neither Type-1 nor Type-2 is the right kind of people, instead the list is prepared to perform audit and identify the areas of improvements.

70 Personality Attributes for Growth and Happiness

70 Personality Attributes for Growth and Happiness

#Type -1Type -2
2Driven by WantsDriven by Needs
8Free SoulReligious
9Believe In LuckBelieve in Performance
17Dogmatic / InflexibleFlexible
20Short sightedVisionary
38ReliantSelf Sufficient
40Narrow Minded / IntolerantTolerant
43ComplexEasy to get along
49Artificial PersonalityNatural
59Greedy / MiserGenerous
64Money FocusedLove Focused
This article covers 70 Personality Attributes for Growth and Happiness

Advice For Parents

Every parent wants to be the best one and strives to do all the right actions based on the mental apprehension of the subject. However, many of these actions may not produce the best results while upbringing the kids. Now that you have understood different personality traits, depending upon the age of your kids, its time to evaluate your kids against these qualities. Once you identify the key areas of improvements, discuss with your spouse on how to enhance their character. If you would like to read a detailed article on parenting, we highly recommend visiting this page: 68 Awesome Tips On Modern Parenting | Better Schools Better Nations

Closing Remarks

Congratulations on completing your self assessment. Now that you have identified your strong and weak points, as a next step you need to empower and strengthen your strong attributes and set the target to shun your negative personality traits.

Following are some of the articles we recommend to explore further:

Free Personality Test | 16Personalities

Self Assessment: How to Learn About Yourself

8 Levels Of Personality – A Life Changing Guide

7 Tips For Your Child To Be A Responsible Teenager

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8 Levels of Personality – A Life Changing Guide

8 Levels of Personality – A Life Changing Guide

One of the great philosophers of recent times has incredibly explained 8 types of personalities in the world. The classification has been done based on the type of pursuits these 8 kinds of people strive for. Regardless of what age you are at, this article about “8 Levels of Personality – A Life Changing Guide” will provide you solid foundation on how to uplift your vision and wisdom level.

8 Levels of Personality – A Life Changing Guide

Level 1 – People with Pursuit of Happiness

The 1st type of people are the ones in the Pursuit of Happiness. These people always want to be happy. They want to have fun all the times, going to parties, hang out with friends, watching favorite TV shows and several other things which can bring happiness. However they do not understand that the universe does not work this way. Life is full of so many emotions and feelings which a person has to pass through. Hence practically speaking these people end up running in the cycle of same ‘happiness activities’ but fail to achieve it permanently. So what can bring more happiness? What’s next?

Level 2 – People with Pursuit of Being Cool

Next Level (2nd type) of people are the ones in the Pursuit of Being Cool. These people try to do things which make them attractive. New hair style, Nice sun glasses, latest trends are always on the mind of these people. However these outlook variations cannot impress people permanently as people will always find a point of criticism causing disturbance and distraction to ‘Cool’ people leading them trying new things, and eventually running in the cycle of impressing people. As the target can never be achieved, so the saga continues.

Level 3 – People with Pursuit of Being Popular

Next Level of People are the ones in the Pursuit of Popularity. People in this category crave for being the center of attention. Buying an awesome car, cracking jokes, wearing costly tuxedo, show off on social media are some of the techniques used by these group of people.

8 Levels of Personality - A Life Changing Guide
8 Levels of Personality – A Life Changing Guide

Level 4 – People with Pursuit of Prestige

Another Type of people are those in the Pursuit of Prestige. Association with some exercise club, member of a famous organization, kitty parties, being associated with some big shot are the things which this group of people consider to earn the respect. But what’s more than that? Is this brings real contentment? This article is about 8 Levels of Personalities – A Life Changing Guide

Level 5 – People with Pursuit of Money

5th type of people (which most of us fall in) are under Pursuit of Money. Money is the defacto universal criteria of being successful. Hence more or less all of us are in this life-long marathon. But is this is the only criteria of success? Off course not, there are many other aspects which need a positive balance. There are people who live in a higher domain than the ‘people of Money’

Level 6 – People with Pursuit of Excellence

6th category are those who believe in the Pursuit of Excellence. Continuous improvement and hard work is something all the times on their brains. To whom they compare to? Themselves. Regardless of what they achieve, they are in consistent thrive to improve themselves from yesterday. They always strive for enhanced way of doing things. Idealism is their ultimate goal and it gives them immense pleasure to do new things each moment each day.

Level 7 – People with Pursuit of Impact

Another higher category of people are the ones in Pursuit of Impact. These people know their talents and they always tend to do things which can result in high impact. The impact may fall in several categories depending upon the field they specialized in. These people live with great causes and have concrete principles to live by. They have the moral, spiritual and psychological expertise to face any situations because their goal is to achieve what they want to achieve.

Level 8 – People with Pursuit of Happiness

Finally, the People belonging to the Pursuit of Truth are the ultimate successful people. This group believes that efforts are more important that result (God’s criteria is effort). They think that result calendar belongs to God. They believe in justice on what they do. They believe that their efforts should be in a way that when they meeting God, they have something to present to God and it should not be something they achieved for themselves (money, prestige, happiness, coolness etc) instead what contribution they did for the society, what value they added to the lives of less fortunate.

These people have the ambition of excellence in their efforts and pursuit of impact in terms of deliverables and this approach give them ultimate peace, tranquility and pleasure.

Summary and Conclusion

Life is all about continuous improvement. People who believe and strive of continuous enhancement are never satisfied with one goal. Their wisdom level keeps increasing and hence the desire to do something great, to do something beyond their personal benefits, to do something great across the globe. Here is another fantastic article 7 Super Powers University Students Must Have To Succeed

PS: If you would like to watch the full video for the above mentioned lecture please see this page

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