4 Helpful Points for Free Homeschool

4 Helpful Points for Free Homeschool

By Jade Stafford, 2cool4school Inc.

Have you been toying with the idea of homeschooling your child(ren) but unsure if it financially makes sense to do so?  Homeschooling can definitely get pricey when you’re buying books, school supplies and additional resources for just one or two kids. You want to keep the kids engaged with exciting activities and oftentimes that requires different art supplies or printed materials. Well, this article has some suggestions of how to homeschool on a budget, and sometimes that budget is $0! 4 Helpful Points for Free Homeschool

4 Helpful Points for Free Homeschool

1- Local organizations

A great way to learn more about what’s in your community is to reach out to the local municipal office to find out what events are offered that could be relevant to the curriculum topics. For example, if the curriculum has a Science unit about the eco-system, perhaps a tour of the local recycling center is a possibility.  There are so many field trips that are free right in your community. 

Reach out to the local police station, firehall, animal shelter, city hall and ask them if they have tours or community outreach programs that allow for children to gain an educational experience even if it’s just for half a day.  If they do and you belong to a homeschooling group in your area, post about it so others can join in on the fun. 4 Helpful Points for Free Homeschool

You could even organize a follow-up lesson after the fieldtrip to see what everyone’s highlights were, and brainstorm where the next fieldtrip could be.  If you’re teaching Financial Literacy, call up the local grocery store and ask for a small tour and give your child a budget and see what s/he can come up with for ingredients to make a meal. Then with those purchased items, introduce the science of cooking and baking when you get home. It would be a fun field trip while getting dinner done as well, what a win-win situation! 4 Helpful Points for Free Homeschool

2- The internet has all the answers

The most powerful tool we have at our fingertips is the internet.  A quick web search will provide hundreds of websites on any topic you’re interested in. You can find ways to homeschool for free by using free printables or look up any curriculum subject or topic with similar to YouTube videos.  There are also so many free e-books on the internet that you’ll never run out of books to introduce to your child.  You can also homeschool on a dime or homeschool with a big budget.  It’s very easy to splurge on homeschooling supplies and learning experiences, which is fine if you’re able to afford that. 4 Helpful Points for Free Homeschool

However, there are just as many suggestions on how to teach a curriculum with things that you already have around the house.  Even learning experiences can be free; connect with other homeschooling parents on-line and ask them what they’ve done for economical field trips.  With the internet so accessible, now is the easiest time to begin your homeschooling journey.  Not only are online resources abundant, but also the ease with which to connect with other homeschooling parents not just in your geographic area but all over the world! 4 Helpful Points for Free Homeschool

3- It takes a village

One method of covering the Physical Education subject is to enjoy the neighborhood you’re in.  You can plan a scavenger hunt that leads you to a park where you can have a picnic lunch, or pick a playground that’s further than your usual one, and make it the day’s gym class to get there by a method that doesn’t involve a car.  It’s a great way to get the bikes, scooters, rollerblades and running shoes out. Bring a soccer ball, that’s a surefire way to get the physical activity up and often times it’s a magnet to meet other kids and make new friends.

One of the best ways to thrive at homeschooling is to find other families that are in the same boat.  Bring workbooks to the park or playground and eventually you’ll bump into other families that happen to be playing there and you never know, they just might also be homeschooling. Don’t be afraid to ask if they’re homeschooling because that will open up the dialogue and you’ll find that it’s mutually beneficial to share tips, tricks and resources on how to homeschool for free. 

You could even find another homeschooling parent that would be interested in sharing the teaching with you so that it brings another perspective to what and how your children learn. 

Can you imagine how convenient it would be if you taught your kids and a few other kids once or twice a week and in return, your kids would get to learn from another parent’s homeschooling style once or twice a week? 4 Helpful Points for Free Homeschool

When you think of “the village” of people that you can approach for homeschooling advice and resources, don’t be limited to those physically near you.  There are multiple websites that can connect you to other homeschooling parents around the world.  With today’s technology, it’s so easy to set up a Zoom/Teams/Googlemeet to connect with other parents and/or have homeschooling kids chat with each other via webcam.

Have them share about their typical week of home education (if there is a typical week!), and what their favourite parts of homeschooling are.  You’d be surprised how much there is out there (books, experiences, field trips, teaching methods, etc) that you might not have thought of trying and it just takes someone to mention an idea and you’ve got something new to explore next week!

4- Where the books are

While out on fresh air breaks, make it a point to visit your local library.  It’s a treasure trove of free resources.  Not only is the library full of books, there are also the computers, DVDs, audiobooks, park passes and some libraries even have sports equipment to borrow for free!  The library system is very convenient in that if there’s a book or other material that your closest location doesn’t have, they can usually request a transfer of it from another location, at no cost to you. 

Some libraries even have STEAM (Science,Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics) kits to use, so one day’s lesson could be all about robotics, for example, and you wouldn’t have to spend a dime. 

Another reason to rely on the library as a very valuable education resource is that the Librarian is a wealth of information and can definitely help you navigate the wealth of information and resources at your fingertips. The library is such an underutilised resource in many communities. It’s often empty but it has tables and chairs that are available to make it a reason to get out of the house for a day a week and learn in a different environment. It breaks up the monotony of schooling at the kitchen table, for example.

I hope these suggestions listed above will help you start homeschooling for free.  It’s less daunting when you know it won’t cost an arm and a leg just to get up and running. Before you know it, you’ll be a year into homeschooling and look back and appreciate how much money you saved just by being resourceful and doing a bit of planning ahead of time.

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What Is More Important Play Or Study?

What Is More Important Play Or Study?

What is more important play or study?

In our modern world, many parents struggle with deciding which is more important for their kids – Hands-on learning, Nature time, or studying? choose between the two – but it is essential to remember the benefits of each. Hands-on learning is much more fun for kids – and they tend to retain the information better. It also stimulates a child’s interest. This article is about What is more important play or study?

1.Nature time

The benefits of spending time outdoors have been documented in several studies, including a British study of 11-year-olds. The findings revealed that most kids spent less than 30 minutes outdoors after school. Another study of preschool children in Ohio found that half of the kids spent less than 23 minutes outdoors each day. And one in three spent no time outdoors at all. The positive impact of time in nature can be seen in both kids’ brain functions and moods and should be given as much importance as study time.

While children spend forty to fifty hours each week in child care, kindergarten, and school, The early childhood years are crucial for nurturing a child’s sense of empathy for the character and forming the basic orientation to the world. During this time, positive interactions in nature foster a caring attitude towards the environment. Parents and educators should model this enjoyment and comfort in nature to their children.

What is more important play or study?
What Is More Important Play Or Study?

Children need physical and mental exercise to develop correctly. Nature activities help a child’s development grow in many ways, including psychological and physical development. Contact with nature is essential to kids’ spiritual and mental development. Research studies also support the benefits of spending time in nature. Spending time outdoors helps improve students’ attention, concentration, and self-discipline. And the benefits of nature time for kids to go beyond academic achievement. Besides, it fosters creativity and helps kids develop a sense of peace.

Children exposed to nature are more likely to connect with peers, develop more vital social skills, and achieve academic success.The adult can guide the child’s exploration by creating natural settings and adding materials to enhance their experiences. It is also essential to observe what children are interested in and engage them in open-ended conversations.

Children develop emotional attachments to things that they are familiar with and comfortable with. Experiencing nature as a family and with a group of friends leads to a more active and environmentally conscious child. The emotional attachment to nature will be reflected in their understanding of the world around them. This will translate into increased responsibility for conservation and environmental protection. This is what makes a character more important than studying for kids.

Kids should be spending time outdoors every day, regardless of age, and not just in the classroom. Studies have found that children who spend a half-hour outside each day are happier, more confident, and less stressed than those who spend less time outside. Spending time outside can also build self-confidence and inspire creativity. For example, when children have less structured environments and more time to explore and learn, they tend to pay attention and are less likely to become anxious.

2. Hands-on learning

Research suggests that hands-on learning can boost students’ learning ability more effectively. When students have to work hard to learn something, they are more likely to retain the information, practice the skills, and create something independently. That’s because students can practice what they’re learning. Also, kids who participate in hands-on learning are more likely to be engaged in the learning process, which can be a valuable skill for their future.

Whether hands-on learning is more important for kids than studying is up to you. Almost eighty per cent of high school dropouts said that engaging in meaningful learning opportunities would keep them in school. It’s also beneficial for kids who struggle to focus. Students who take part in hands-on learning are more likely to enjoy the process of learning, which is a significant benefit. In contrast, students who study in a lecture class usually leave notes in a notebook or binder.

Unlike studying, hands-on learning kids activities engage both sides of the brain. Kids’ right hemisphere is responsible for visual and spatial processes, while the left side is responsible for analyzing and listening. When children have multiple learning styles, more connections form in the brain, and more relevant information is stored in the brain. Research shows that kids who combine various learning styles can perform better in school. Brain scans show more activity in sensory and motor-related areas than students who only learn through study.

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What is more important play or study?

hands-on learning and look for a school that offers both. Even if their children don’t attend a traditional classroom, they should ask their kids to do their homework outside the classroom. Ask about hands-on learning in virtual classrooms. approach is beneficial not only for children but also for the parents.

Another benefit of hands-on learning is that it promotes collaborative learning. Students learn faster when they work with other people and are not confined to the walls of a classroom. By doing so, they become more sociable, allowing them to develop their social skills and life skills. This helps them think outside of the box and explore career options they may otherwise have ruled out. Also, hands-on learning encourages students to explore and experiment and helps them think outside of the box.

Besides helping kids process new information, it engages their seven senses. Children develop their learning through trial and error, becoming confident in making mistakes. Kids who get frustrated and fail often learn best when they do things independently rather than by being spoon-fed information. By doing their homework outside of the classroom, they become self-sufficient and capable of taking on more challenging tasks. They learn through trial and error and keep trying until they reach the goal.


There are many benefits to homework. It reinforces classroom learning and helps kids develop essential study skills and a strong work ethic. Setting a homework schedule and removing distractions from home can help kids stay on task and produce good results. But is homework more important than playing outside? Here are a few reasons why it’s crucial. And what can parents do to help? 

What is more important play or study?
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Do your kids study every day? Often, kids have less time to do homework than their parents do. However, if kids are more active, they can learn much faster than sitting and reading a book. They can even learn more by playing sports and staying fit than if they’re sedentary. This way, both study and activity are valuable. But what if your kids are not studying? If you think this is the case, do some research.

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What Expectations Do You Have From The School?

What Expectations Do You Have From The School?

Everyone has different expectations from schools. Some are concerned about quality of education, some have grave concerns on discipline management, others are complaining about high school fee and the list goes on! This article summarizes the feedback from different sources to help understand the expectations from the school. The article is about What Expectations Do You Have From The School?

What Expectations Do You Have From The School?

Based on different surveys and researches below are the most common expectations of parents, students, teachers and educational authorities.

Parents’ expectations from the school

As a parent, having clear and reasonable expectations from your child’s school is important to ensure their educational, social, and emotional well-being. Here are some expectations you might consider:

1- Quality Education: Expect the school to provide a high-quality education that meets academic standards and helps your child develop essential skills in various subjects. This includes well-qualified teachers, a well-rounded curriculum, and appropriate teaching materials.

2- Safe and Supportive Environment: Expect the school to prioritize the safety and well-being of students. This involves implementing security measures, anti-bullying policies, and fostering a positive and inclusive atmosphere that promotes learning and emotional growth.

3- Effective Communication: Expect regular communication from the school regarding your child’s progress, upcoming events, and any concerns. This can be through newsletters, emails, parent-teacher conferences, and an online portal where you can track your child’s assignments and grades.

4- Individual Attention: While schools have multiple students, expect that the teachers and staff make efforts to understand and cater to your child’s individual needs, strengths, and challenges. This might involve differentiated instruction or additional support for those who need it.

5- Homework and Assignments: Expect reasonable and meaningful homework and assignments that reinforce classroom learning and allow your child to practice and apply what they’ve learned. Excessive homework can lead to burnout and stress, so a balanced approach is important.

6- Extracurricular Activities: Schools should offer a variety of extracurricular activities that allow students to explore their interests, develop skills beyond academics, and socialize with peers.

7- Teacher Quality: Expect the school to employ qualified and dedicated teachers who are not only knowledgeable but also caring and able to engage with students effectively.

8- Parental Involvement: The school should encourage and facilitate parental involvement. This can include volunteering opportunities, open-door policies, and parent-teacher association (PTA) meetings.

9- Feedback and Assessment: Expect regular feedback on your child’s progress and assessments that accurately measure their understanding of the material. This helps you stay informed about their academic growth.

10- Respect for Diversity: The school should promote an environment that respects and celebrates diversity in terms of cultures, backgrounds, abilities, and beliefs.

11- Resources and Facilities: Schools should provide adequate resources, such as textbooks, technology, and comfortable facilities, to support effective learning. Classrooms quality should be great for providing supportive environments.

12- Problem Resolution: Expect the school to address any concerns or issues promptly and professionally. This might include concerns related to bullying, academic struggles, or conflicts with teachers or other students.

Remember that while these expectations are important, it’s also crucial to maintain open communication with the school and be willing to collaborate with teachers and administrators to create the best possible educational experience for your child. Every school might have its unique strengths and challenges, so finding a balance between setting expectations and being flexible is key.

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What Expectations Do You Have From The School?

Some other thoughts from parents on what to expect from school:

Some schools are adapting to digital books and removing the paperback (printed) books. I am seriously against it. I expect schools to keep the traditional way of teaching as well. Students can make notes on books, and we, the parents, can keep track of what is being taught in school. With digital books, we cannot keep proper track of what is being taught at school.

I feel that School should be a place where not only you are educated as well as possible way but also where you could thrive in every possible way. School should be a place where students are most comfortable learning and are given the confidence to really achieve and be themselves in a positive learning environment.

There are several life skills that are not taught in schools. For example, Communication Skills, Ethical Skills, Emotional Skills, Resilience skills and Civic Skills. I expect schools to develop such courses as part of school curriculum.

Expect school to provide you a dashboard where you can see how your child is progressing. This dashboard should not be limited to his educational statistics, instead, it should have summary of different activities that your child has participated in, physical activities or awards that he/she has won, debates he has taken part in, some recommendation about his personality development, some recommendations about additional trainings or courses he should be considering for his/her career growth and for becoming a better human being.

Check out this source providing more surveys and opinions on parents’ expectations from the school

2- Students’ expectations from the school

As a student, having clear expectations from your school can help you make the most of your educational experience and ensure your overall well-being. Here are some expectations you might consider:

  1. Quality Education: Expect to receive a high-quality education that challenges you, helps you develop critical thinking skills, and provides a strong foundation in various subjects.
  2. Engaging Teaching: Expect your teachers to deliver engaging and interactive lessons that make learning interesting and relevant. Good teachers should be approachable and willing to help you understand the material.
  3. Respectful and Safe Environment: Expect to be treated with respect by teachers, staff, and fellow students. Also, you should feel safe at school, both physically and emotionally, free from bullying and harassment.
  4. Clear Expectations: Expect your teachers to communicate clear expectations for assignments, projects, and assessments. Knowing what is expected of you can help you plan your time and perform well academically.
  5. Feedback and Assessment: Expect to receive timely and constructive feedback on your work and assessments. This helps you understand your strengths and areas for improvement.
  6. Access to Resources: Expect access to necessary learning resources, such as textbooks, online materials, and technology, to support your learning journey.
  7. Inclusion and Diversity: Expect the school to celebrate diversity and provide an inclusive environment that values all students, regardless of their background, race, gender, or abilities.
  8. Extracurricular Opportunities: Expect the school to offer a range of extracurricular activities, clubs, and sports that allow you to explore your interests, develop new skills, and interact with peers.
  9. Support Services: If you have specific learning needs, expect the school to provide support services such as tutoring, counseling, or accommodations to help you succeed.
  10. Time Management: Expect to learn effective time management skills. School life involves balancing academic work, extracurricular activities, and personal time.
  11. Healthy Environment: Expect the school to promote healthy habits, both physically and mentally. This might include providing nutritious meals, opportunities for physical activity, and access to counseling services.
  12. Opportunities for Growth: Expect your school to encourage personal growth and character development. This could involve programs that foster leadership, teamwork, and community service.
  13. Communication Channels: Expect the school to provide ways for you to voice your concerns, provide feedback, and engage in discussions about school policies and improvements.
  14. Preparation for Future: Expect your school to help you prepare for the future, whether that’s transitioning to higher education, entering the workforce, or pursuing other life goals.

Remember that your active participation and positive attitude play a significant role in making the most of your school experience. While schools have responsibilities to meet, your commitment to learning, engaging with teachers and peers, and taking advantage of available opportunities are crucial for your personal and academic growth.

Some other thoughts from students on what to expect from school:

1- I expect that our teachers should be more cooperative. They should teach not from their level of understanding but the students’ understanding level.

2- I expect my teachers not to shout on us. We do not have the same level of comprehension of subjects that you have (because of years of practice). Also, not all of us have equal level of intelligence. If some of us are not learning as per your expected pace, please engage us more, provide further guidance, involve our parents, make small groups where intelligent and normal students discuss different subjects together so that everyone learns and improves.

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What Expectations Do You Have From The School?

3- Teachers should tolerate the poorly crafted questions asked by low performers, instead they should encourage the students to ask more questions.

4- My teachers should provide me the opportunity to learn and understand the concepts and also allow me to provide feedback on my comprehension, so that I can apply this knowledge and achieve my goals of life.

3- Teachers’ Expectations From The School

As a teacher, you have the right to expect certain conditions and support from the school where you teach to effectively carry out your responsibilities and provide quality education to your students. Here are some expectations you might have:

  1. Supportive Leadership: Expect the school administration to provide clear and supportive leadership. This includes setting a positive tone, communicating effectively, and being available to address concerns and provide guidance.
  2. Professional Development: Expect opportunities for ongoing professional development. This could include workshops, training sessions, and resources that help you stay updated on teaching methods, curriculum changes, and educational trends.
  3. Classroom Resources: Expect access to necessary teaching materials, textbooks, technology, and supplies required to create an effective learning environment.
  4. Curriculum Support: Expect a well-structured curriculum that aligns with educational standards and guidelines. Clear guidelines and resources for curriculum planning can help you create engaging lessons.
  5. Reasonable Workload: Expect a reasonable workload that allows you to balance your teaching responsibilities with time for planning, grading, and personal life. Excessive workload can lead to burnout and negatively impact your teaching quality.
  6. Collaborative Environment: Expect a collaborative and supportive school culture where teachers can share ideas, collaborate on projects, and work together to enhance the overall educational experience.
  7. Classroom Management Support: Expect support for effective classroom management, including access to behavioral strategies, disciplinary policies, and guidance on handling challenging situations.
  8. Student Services: Expect access to student support services, such as counseling, special education resources, and interventions for students who need additional help.
  9. Feedback and Evaluation: Expect regular feedback and evaluation from school administrators to help you improve your teaching skills and identify areas of strength and growth.
  10. Respect and Recognition: Expect to be treated with respect and recognized for your dedication and hard work. A positive school culture values and appreciates its teaching staff.
  11. Safe Environment: Expect a safe and secure working environment for both you and your students. This includes measures to ensure physical safety and emotional well-being.
  12. Communication Channels: Expect effective communication channels with administrators, fellow teachers, parents, and students. Clear communication fosters understanding and cooperation.
  13. Professional Autonomy: Expect a certain degree of professional autonomy in designing lessons and implementing teaching strategies that best suit your students’ needs and your teaching style.
  14. Inclusive Practices: Expect support for creating an inclusive classroom that respects and accommodates diverse learning styles, backgrounds, and abilities.
  15. Career Advancement Opportunities: Expect opportunities for career growth and advancement within the school or the district, based on your performance and expertise.

Remember that a strong partnership between teachers and the school administration is essential for creating a positive and effective learning environment. Open communication and a shared commitment to student success can lead to a fulfilling teaching experience for both you and your students.

Some other thoughts from teachers on what to expect from school

1- School should provide strict polices for our protection from online bullying. Some students after leaving the school provide disgraceful remarks. While it cannot be controlled by the school if the student has completed the education, yet the school should work with education ministry to prevent this. May be I do not have a clear solution to my problem, but schools and ministry should find one!

2- Teach the teacher sessions should be provided by ministry as well as school. This will provide latest updates and teaching techniques and ideas to teachers and also such training sessions will bring all the teachers at same level of knowledge in terms of teaching approach.

4- Ministry of Education’s Expectations From The School

While it is Ministry of Education’s role to conceive, develop and implement the best-in-class policies, governance mechanisms and improvement plans, MoE expects schools to ensure such policies are adhered to. This includes digitalization techniques, online record management for kids, scholarships for needful children of society and so on. Read this detailed article on Roles of Ministry of Education

Final Thoughts

Quality of education is a vital indicator of a nation’s success as evident from the world’s leading countries. Developing countries must adapt to best quality standards as well to join the league of best nations.

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17 Recommendation to Manage Negative Thinking In Kids

17 Recommendation to Manage Negative Thinking In Kids

Positive and forward thinking is one of the key elements of strong character. However, sometimes, kids’ thought processes get impacted due to several external factors such as too much of online games of aggression, poor relationship of parents, stressful home environment due to financial crisis or routine brawls. This article provides 17 Recommendation to Manage Negative Thinking In Kids.

17 Recommendation to Manage Negative Thinking In Kids

So, How do I help my child with negative thoughts? Below are some important recommendations on how you can help your kids improve their thinking skills.

1- Read Quality Quotes Together

Encourage them to read quality quotes and articles. You may want to download some apps on your mobile and set aside 5 minutes every day to review 2-3 quotes from different categories of life, such as, confidence, care, great human being, success, optimism and so on.

2- Ask Situational Questions for Training Purpose

Ask some situational questions and let your kids think of possible answers. For example, what would you do if you want to call me (while I am at work) but the mobile is not charged and the home electricity is cut off. Another example, what if mama is sick, what would you do? These kinds of questions will ignite their thinking muscles to work and come up with some answers. Regardless of what answer they provide you, never provide negative feedback. Instead agree to them up to the maximum level and provide your further guidance. With a little bit of practice, their thinking patterns will become more mature.

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3- Share Short Stories

Tell them short stories which have some morals towards the end. However do not tell them the moral of the story, instead ask them to explain what is the lesson in this story. Let them think and explain in their own way. Later elaborate them further with more details that you have in your mind. Next time, before you start another story, ask them to repeat what they learnt in the previous one. This practice is important as it will help refresh the concepts or morals they learnt. Also this repetition session will improve their apprehension and communication skills

4- Encourage Enhanced Observation

Encourage your children to observe a lot of things when outside home. Remember the principle, See More Be More. Which means, the more they see, the more they become. When you reach back home, ask them to explain what they observed. Check this excellent article on types of kids with regards to observation and thinking patterns

5- Take Actions Based on Quality of Thinking

Keep auditing the quality of their thinking process. If they complain a lot, if they provide negative feedback about something or if they criticize people or things, consider it as an early sign of a shortcoming of their personality. Find out the reasons for their negative behavior such as negativity in your own behavior during your routine interaction, a negative close friend, getting bullied at school or a tough sibling. When you know the reason, start working to fix the issues. During the ‘improvement stage, do not react to their negative behavior, instead increase the dose of positivity by giving them more love, care and attention.

6-Do not Compare

Do not compare your children with anyone else and never talk to your children in a way that leads them to think that his/her parents are comparing him/her with someone else. If this thought stays with them for longer duration, it would lead to inferiority complex. That means your kid will think that someone is better than him/her in the eyes of his/her parents.

7- Manage Their ‘Financial’ Thoughts Well

If you are a poor parent, do not let your kid develop a feeling of being poor. Let him/her know that money’s not everything. Let him/her know that there are millions of kids out there in the world that do not have food, clothes and shelter. This kind of discussion should lead to a feeling of gratitude. Talk to them about health issues, loss of parent issues and other challenges and encourage them to think about such kids instead of comparing them with rich students. This article might help: How to teach your kids on cutting costs

8- Develop High Self Esteem

Work on developing their self esteem. Self Esteem is about positive or negative self assessment. Your kids should have high self-esteem. Which means they should think high of themselves. They should have a can-do attitude towards their chores. They should have a strong and assertive personality in terms of speaking and actions. You may want to google further on how to develop high self esteem in kids.

9- Promote Attitude of Gratitude

As mentioned earlier, help them to practice the habit of gratitude. Minimize the complaining, criticizing and blaming attitude that your kids may have. Whenever a negative comment is spoken by them, divert the discussion by looking at the positive side of the issue.

10- Build and Use Positive Vocabulary

Prepare a list of positive and optimistic words. It’s quite easy to find on google. Print them and read them often. Such words should be spoken quite frequently at your home because positive vocabulary results in positive thinking skills. Here is one sample:

11- Pay Attention To What They Speak

Pay Attention to what they speak, how they behave and what they do. Read their body language and identify any germs of negativity they have. Discuss with your partner on how to address the situation. If both of you do not have a solution specific to the situation, google it! There are hundreds of resources, portals, think tanks on the internet that should have provided the answers to your situation. If nothing is found, go ahead and post a question on Quora under dedicated space about parenting.

12- Don’t React Right Away

If your child is speaking or behaving negatively, do not react on the spot. This may exploit the situation. If one of the parties is hyper or negative, the other party has to maintain the anger. If both parties speak the same hyper language, the situation will get worse. So if you observe the kid demonstrating any negative emotions verbally or physically, try to calm down the situation with minimal guidance. Later, think about it, discuss with your spouse, make a plan on how to speak to your kid when his anger is gone.

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5 Reasons Why an International School is Best For Your Kid 76

The best time to speak to any kid is when they are about to sleep. You may want to sit next to their pillow, move your fingers in their hair and speak about the issue gently. This should produce better results for both of you.

13- Use Indirect Communication

No, I don’t suggest asking someone else to teach your kid as this will further increase the gap between you and your kids. What I mean is to provide them indirect guidance. For example, if your kid plays too many online games involving aggression, you may tell him (when he is NOT playing the game) that you have read somewhere that online games cause vision issues or cause headaches or make people reactive so kids should play less games. Do not lecture your kids, instead share these guidance in small bites.

One lecture of 5 minutes may cause loss of interest however 5 small bites (30 seconds each) of information at different time intervals will work as 5 small seeds which may take some time to nurture/nourish but would produce effective results.

14- Have Fun !

Quality time spent with children always causes a positive impact on their psychology. Remember, it should be quality time from their perspective. You have to plan it a way so that they enjoy time with you and vice versa. If only you are enjoying your time with them but they are not, then good results cannot be expected.

15- Share Your Life Stories

Share life events with your kids and try to give them a direct or indirect message associated with day-to-day small events of your life. This can be something that happened to you at work, park, metro station, mall or anywhere. The intention is to develop a positive relationship with your kid and enhance positive thoughts in their tiny brain. So whatever you say, your end statement should be based on positivity/optimism.

16- Develop Listening Skills

Yes, listening is a skill. I know many people who are bad listeners. They cut you in the middle of your talk. If the same behavior is practiced with kids, it will ruin their self esteem which will lead to negative thinking and would result in weaker personality. While you practice listening skills with your kids, let them learn the same from you.

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5 Reasons Why an International School is Best For Your Kid 77

17- Help To Socialize

Kids learn from each other. If they socialize in a positive environment, their thinking process will evolve. Encourage them to collaborate on different projects. Take them to their friends’ home on the weekend, plan outdoor activities, get them enrolled in a sports club and so on. 17 Recommendation to Manage Negative Thinking In Kids

Final Remarks

Parenting is a lifetime activity. However, it is not something that should be taken too seriously. Kids are great creatures of God due to their innocence, unconditional love, cuteness and purity of heart. Hence, while you work on these recommendations, maintain a lovely relationship with them. Remember to enjoy more and teach less so that parenting span becomes the best and blessed part of your life.

And by the way, here is a recommended article: How to Talk to Your Kids About Their Mental Health – CNET

5 Guiding Principles Of A Purposeful Life

5 Guiding Principles Of A Purposeful Life

landing a dream job, buying a big house, acquiring certain certification, getting settled in certain country and so on. These are necessities of life, not purpose of life. While these dreams are good to have, their vision should be to think of something universal, something beyond their personal benefits. 5 Guiding Principles Of A Purposeful Life

The One and Only Cause of Failures

The One and Only Cause of Failures

I know the status of a man, God has given a healthy body and brain to – however he could not succeed in life. While he could have used his capabilities to do more, earn more and achieve more, his blaming attitude was the one and only basic cause of failures.

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10 Ways You Can Help Your Kids Improve Their Self-Management Skills

10 Ways You Can Help Your Kids Improve Their Self-Management Skills

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Download 32 Points School Ranking Checklist

Download 32 Points School Ranking Checklist

With so many choices out there, it is not easy to finalize the right school for your kids. With continuous evolution in education industry, every school comes up with a new feature to attract parents. Sometimes these features create sudden spark and as a result of which parents get their kids’ admission the school but later they realize they have made a wrong choice. So which features are critical and which ones can be compromised? Below article provides you some insights that should help you finalize the school for your children. Also you can Download 32 Points School Ranking Checklist to compare different schools

32 Points School Ranking Checklist

1- Average Class Size

A good school should have 15-20 students per class so that the teacher can pay fair attention to each student. Teachers not only provide knowledge to the students but also play a major role in building assertive character. This is the reason, a one-on-one kind of session must happen between teacher and each student on a frequent basis. This can only happen if the teacher to student ratio in the class is less.

2- Qualitative Education

Quality of education means that the contents of subjects are up to the mark and add value to the mental growth of children. Also the process of teaching, the techniques and approach are effective. As a parent, you need to take opinions from parents of existing students about the quality of education of the school that you intend to finalize your kids for.

3- Teachers’ Credentials

A great school should have best in class  teachers. Teachers are selected based on their prior experience, relevant educational certifications, effective communication skills, empathic skills and so on. Great teachers have great emotional intelligence skills so that they are able to understand the comprehension challenges of all kinds of students and help them effectively. Check out this article “33 Qualities of a Great Teacher

4- Home Work

If the school is giving a lot of assignments to the students that make them busy until late evening, it does not qualify to be a good school. Great schools make sure that students work hard during the school time and less work is given for the home. This approach ensures students have a balanced life and not a life of burden.

5- Discipline

​One of the key elements of a strong character of a human being is being disciplined. Good schools instill the quality of discipline through time management, compliance with school specific activities and adherence to the ethical and social rules of the school.

6- Career Counselling

​With the advancement of technology and due to continuous evolution of humanity, hundreds of new domains of career have emerged. Hence, gone are the days when parents expected their kids to be engineers or doctors. With the availability of internet and social media, students of current age are exposed to hundreds of job options hence it is imperative that students are provided proper guidance to choose their careers. Many schools hire career guidance professionals to provide such service to the students. If your kids are going to study in higher grades in this school, this aspect becomes important for you as a parent.

7- Bullying Control

​Not a key selection criteria for finalizing the school, yet it is good to know if the school takes necessary measures to ensure the bullying is controlled properly and what is the policy or governance mechanism on this subject. A good school may have a formal policy on bullying that they may share with you, if you demand it.

8- Weekend Classes

​Not all students have equal caliber to grasp the knowledge during regular classes. Hence some of the students may not run as fast as the bright students do. A good schools closely measure the performance of all students and arrange special classes for the students who are not up to the mark (for example, students who secure less than 60% for a specific subject must attend weekend class)

9- Hall Of Fame

​Everybody needs encouragement. Several schools provide digital or on-premises “Hall of Fame ” to publish the achievements of bright students. This act motivates students to rise and shine. A good school must have a Hall of Fame area on the school premises. However, if there is a shortage of space in the schools, they can create dedicated sections on their website for this purpose.

10- Foreign Languages

​A Chinese proverb says: “To learn a language is to have one more window from which to look at the world”. Many schools have started offering foreign languages as part of their curriculum. While some schools offer it as an optional activity, others have made it mandatory for the kids to learn a foreign language. Chinese, French, Arabic are the most common languages that are offered by most of the good schools.

11- Physical And Mental Games

​A good school should conduct both physical and mental games for all grades. Physical games (Football, cricket, swimming, etc) improve the sportsman spirit, enhance patience level, improve collaboration skills, increase the health and empower the confidence level of kids whereas mental games (scrabble, quizzes etc) increase cognitive skills of students at large and improve their thinking patterns. In conclusion, both physical and mental games contribute towards development of the overall character of students.

12- Arts And Crafts

​Creative students contribute better to society when they grow up. Fair attention to be given by schools for conducting arts and crafts activities.

13- Interschool Competitions

​Such competitions enhance a child’s vision and help him/her understand where he stands in terms of physical and mental competency. Check if the school you are shortlisting for your kids conducts such competitions?

14- Events

​Schools should arrange Food events, gaming events, cultural events and get-together activities. This improves the perception of the school and has many benefits for students and parents.

15- Ease Of Fee Payment

​Not all parents are financially strong. Hence a good school should offer multiple modes of payments which should be flexible to all kinds of parents. For example, monthly, quarterly and annually fee payment options should be offered by school. Also, a good school should offer a discount if the parents pay the fee for the whole academic cycle. This will be a win-win for both parties.

16- Attendance System

​A great attendance system is important to maintain by a good school. Schools should have a disciplinary policy about the mandatory percentage of attendance for sitting in the final exam. For each of the absences, timely email notification should be sent to parents. Also monthly or quarterly summaries should be sent to parents. This can be achieved by any good school-management-software.

17- Helpful Staff

​Not only teachers, but every school employee should maintain a good attitude towards students, parents and visitors. Satisfied parents will promote the school automatically as it is a win-win for parents and school.

18- Parents Engagements

Schools can use such pages to communicate all important notices, news, events and activities with parents. Imagine the happiness of a mother if his/her kids’ activities are posted on Facebook!

19- Conduction of Polls And Reviews

​​Good Schools should approach parents through social media for conducting polls on important decisions the school is considering to implement. If you have a couple of minutes, please visit our polls page and participate in our polls. It should not take more than 3-4 minutes of time

20- Email Notifications & Performance Reports

​In a digital era, it is imperative that a good school sends frequent emails to the parents with regards to school, performance of their kids, events, attendance and so on. While too many emails from school may bother some parents, yet it is a great way of communication that must be in place.

21- Classroom Facilities

​Great classroom and effective teaching is something every parent wants for their child. Therefore, a good school should have the quality of teaching, quality of teachers and a great classroom environment in their agenda. A great classroom comprises good IT infrastructure (projector, mic, digital whiteboard), good furniture, enough light and ventilation mechanism.

22- Prayer Room

​Students have to perform several prayers during school time. This is more important for the countries where Muslim population is dominant. Hence school should provide prayer rooms too. Same level of respect should be given to all religions without discrimination.

23- Games Area

​A dedicated physical instructor, play areas for major games and associated ancillaries will result in better ranking of the school in society.  In new age, parents are not only concerned about book based knowledge, instead they want their kids to practice physical activities in the school

24- Clinic / Emergency Room

​Medical situations are inevitable hence a school should have an emergency room with dedicated nurse staff and first aid medicines/treatment services.

25- Washrooms Quality

​Separate for boys and girls! Also frequent cleaning policy and governance should be ensured to achieve high hygiene standards

26- Food Shop

​Only healthy food should be provided in school tuck shops. Fizzy drinks, artificial juices, and fried food should be prohibited. This extensive checklist is brought to you by AllGoodSchools however if you want to check out a relatively smaller checklist, please click here

27- Digital or Traditional Libraires

​Todays’ reader is tomorrow’s leader. Libraries (digital or physical) are a must these days. If the school does not provide an on premises library, they should establish partnership with some of the digital libraries and provide credentials to the students to gain knowledge through digital libraries. A good school should encourage students to prepare their assignments through the use of such digital libraries

28- School Trips

​According to “See More Be More” Principal, a human improves his/her mental horizons by how much he/she looks at new things every day. That means new places such as museums, technology parks, exhibitions, zoos, camping activities will not only improve the vision of students but enhance their self-confidence through socializing activities. A good school should arrange 2-3 trips every year

29- Safety And Security

​A good school provides adequate security measure in terms of entry and exit procedures, in-class safety assurance, CCTV cameras installation, dedicated security department, IT security compliance,

30- Transport System

​A great School Transport System requires implementation of certain systematic features through which safety and comfort of the students can be ensured. These features should be based on safety, security, monitoring, comfort and attendance perspective. Check out our detailed article on Best School Transport System

31- Sibling Fee Concession

​What if you have 3 kids and the school offers you a 10% discount if 2 of your kids study in that school. What if they offer you a 20% discount on school fee if all 3 kids study in the same school? Sounds good, right? Check out if the school you are considering for your kids offers this.

32- Industry Visits

​For the higher class students schools should arrange visits to factories, showrooms, large scale offices, colleges, manufacturing plants, hospitals and IT companies whichever is applicable. This will provide exposure to the kids and inspire them to choose the right domain for their career.

Download 32 Points School Ranking Checklist

Please download 32 Points School Ranking Checklist.

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Comparison of Convergent and Divergent Students

Comparison of Convergent and Divergent Students

What is Convergent and Divergent Thinking

Convergent Thinking means that you observe something and exert your entire focus on that observation. Whereas Divergent Thinking means that the moment you observe something, your brain starts exploring on all the associated aspects related to that observation. Later part of this article will provide a Comparison of Convergent and Divergent Students.

Let me explain this with an example. Imagine a new town that does not have a pet shop and there is only one Chinese restaurant that does not provide authentic Chinese Food. Now imagine, one convergent and one divergent thinker visit this town. The convergent thinker will simply take this observation as a fact and move on with his/her life. However a divergent thinker will think the possibilities associated with this observation. For example, writing a blog on Chinese restaurants, starting a new business of pets, writing a letter to Municipality Office on the need of pet shops, finding an investor to open another Chinese restaurant, speaking to the manager of restaurant for improving food quality and so on.

I hope by now you would have understood the difference between convergent and divergent thinking. Just like the above example of two people, students also fall under convergent and divergent thinking categories. So, let us read some key points with regards to both categories of students:

Comparison of Convergent and Divergent Students

  1. Convergent students usually take the information as is. Their thinking pattern is limited hence they lack thinking beyond the information available in their course books.
  2. Convergent students possess low critical thinking skills hence they are poor decision makers in life.
  3. Convergent students lack creativity hence they don’t progress well if their profession requires designing new stuff or trying innovative ideas.
  4. Convergent students usually score good in exams because they memorize the course contents. Especially, in South Asian countries, these students outshine because their grades are based on memorization skills and not on the deep understanding of the contents.
  5. Convergent thinkers may perform well in Audit firms, Quality Control jobs however they still lack innovation and out of box thinking.
  6. Divergent students may not be the toppers however they become better thinkers, better decision makers and good leaders.
  7. Divergent students are fast learners and due to this skill their life-learning process is faster than those of convergent students. Divergent students enhance their wisdom levels due to their diverse thinking patterns.
  8. Divergent students possess good analytical skills. They think beyond the academics.
  9. Some of the scholars think that convergent thinking is based on logic and requires to-the-point focus, whereas divergent thinking is about creativity and diversification of the subject. Hence it is not fair to state that only divergent thinking is required to succeed in life.

Conclusion and Recommendations

After having this deep dive on convergent and divergent thinking, here are some recommendations:

  • Teachers should encourage children to share their thoughts after a specific chapter is taught in the class. This will trigger their thinking patterns.
  • Similarly, parents should encourage their children to speak about their observations when they visit a shop in the market, when they watch a YouTube video or when they study their course books at home.
  • Parents should not discourage if the child’s understanding on a specific subject is not right. Instead, they should praise their thinking efforts and guide them in a way that does not make them feel being dumb. Scolding children on tiny matters or making fun of their thoughts will kill their natural confidence to express their feelings next time. Such students develop week personalities when they grow up.
  • Traditional teaching methods cause students to memorize the contents and pass the exam. Such methods should be shun by schools and should be replaced by latest techniques that require igniting critical thinking skills.
  • Home assignments should be given to the students in a way that students will have to consult different group of people to find answers for, or have to explore internet to complete it.
  • Parents should empower their kids from different kind of personality traits perspective enabling them to become a great and successful human being.
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