Teachers’ Toolkit for Handling Sibling Bullying

Teachers’ Toolkit for Handling Sibling Bullying

Teachers’ Toolkit for Handling Sibling Bullying

When I saw that agreeable, friendly child helping his younger brother to pack his backpack, I couldn’t believe that he was a bully to the same brother. But that was what his teacher has told me earlier that morning.

She reported an incident of abuse in which elder child pushed his brother from a swing causing him to break his nose and that that incident was not a standalone event in the history of these boys.

How a young child of kindergarten could purposefully harm his brother and that so repeatedly? That question kept the staff bewildered.

Interestingly, dealing with such children and families starts with answering this same question. Teachers and onlookers need to understand that judging these family dynamics is not going to help these families in any way. In contrast, we need to understand that these events and behaviors are more impulsive than planned.

Step 1: Feel Empathy

And, no, here I am not talking about feeling empathy with the victim only. Bully also need as much empathy and acceptance from teachers as victims do.

The process of intervention in any kind of bullying can only start with acceptance. You have to accept the bully as a child. (There is a difference between accepting the behavior and accepting the person showing the behavior. And this difference is the start of empathy.)

This acceptance, which in turn is pre-requisite for empathy towards a bullying child, comes from understanding the pressure that child was going through. Teachers need to acknowledge that every child has an inert understanding about which behaviors hurt or which ones help. On top of this understanding, children are hardwired to choose good behaviors unless they feel internal or external pressures to choose otherwise.

In most cases of sibling bullying, child feel this pressure because their parents haven’t taught them to navigate through the feelings of jealousy that arise when their siblings join the family. Labeling them as bullies or aggressors only adds to this burden.

When a teacher understands this pressure, they have reason to help the bully not just the victim of bullying.

Step 2: Communicate

Most cases of sibling bullying co-exist with complex family dynamics. In such cases, the teacher should communicate the matter with the school psychologist.

In milder cases, they should communicate with the family, and other teachers of bullies and victims, about this matter to create awareness, clear misunderstandings, and create a common gam plan.

Appreciate the human they, victims and bullies alike, are. Be a little more positive towards the duo. If they want to talk about their emotions, lend a listening ear. Create class activities which talk about family dynamics and bonding with family members.

Educate the whole class about bullying and what they can do to stop sibling bullying.

Step 3: Develop Social Skills

Inclusion and tolerance are a few mindsets that help in eradicating any type of bullying. But if a child has to fight with himself (as is the case with a bully), the emotional intelligence is more crucial than these social mindsets.

Include class activities which focus on building socio-emotional intelligence among students. A few common examples include naming emotions of others and themselves, journaling, and building emotions using positive words or actions.

Wrap Up

Sibling bullying starts at home and its elimination can only happen at hope. That said, teachers and school environment plays an vital role in mitigating the losses and creating awareness around this topic.

If you are witnessing such bullying among your students, step up to bring normalcy within the lives of those affected.


Author Bio:

Syeda Aruba lives in a world that is not away from yours yet full of contentment and self-satisfaction. She believes that she can, and everyone in retrospect, can produce happiness within themselves by knowing the right tools and making a commitment. She is committed to making the world a better place for all to live in. You can read her stories at her blog.


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20 Points For Great Classroom and Effective Teaching

20 Points For Great Classroom and Effective Teaching

References: Edutopia, TeachThought, GreatSchools

Great classroom and effective teaching is something every parent wants for their child. Therefore, every school management should have the quality of teaching, quality of teachers and great classroom environment in their agenda. This article covers 20 Points For Great Classroom and Effective Teaching grouped in 7 categories.

20 Points For Great Classroom and Effective Teaching

IT Infrastructure

– Projector availability (to showcase videos)
– Mic (depending upon class size)
– White board (to scribble)

Classroom Size and Furniture

– Enough chairs
– Cupboard for placing bags
– Adequate light
– Temperature control

Teacher Works as Facilitator

– Instills learning
– Creates suspense
– Assigns research based assignments
– Read these 33 qualities of a great teacher


– Everyone’s engagement is ensured
– Everyone becomes the team lead once in a while
– Everyone has to present once in a while

Variety of Learning Methods

– Question answer session
– Quick workshops where students speak to each other and discuss solutions to problems

Healthy Competition

– Every student is given different assignment
– Every assignment has percent contribution towards end exam

Clear Expectation about Success Criteria

– Rules are clearly defined
– Exam approach is fair and candid

References: Edutopia, TeachThought, GreatSchools

Should Homework Be Given To Students or completely banned? Share Your Opinion.

Should Homework Be Given To Students or completely banned? Share Your Opinion.

Why home work should be given to students?

Homework keeps the momentum of education at home and keeps the student under control. They do not waste thier time on video games or other lazy activities.

Why home should NOT be given to students?

Homework causes extra stress for children. They should be free at home to do physical activities, socialize with family and friends, interact with community, learn life lessons and enhance thier character.

What is your opinion? Share your thoughts in comments section below!

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33 Qualities of a Great Teacher

33 Qualities of a Great Teacher

A teacher can surely be considered as Father of the Nation. Just like a father provides vision and guidance to the kids, a teacher enhances the mental horizon of the students, enabling them becoming better human being and succeed through practicing great principals of life. Whether you are a teacher, a parent or a human resource professional, this article that provides a list of 33 Qualities of a Great Teacher should help you know about the best professional and personality traits of great teachers.

33 Qualities of a Great Teacher

Below are the 33 Qualities of a Great Teacher that have been grouped based on certain categories

Knowledge and Information Level

  1. Deep knowledge of the domain
  2. Stays up to date and believes in continuous learning

2- Communication Skills

  1. Excellent Communication Skills
  2. Good Empathic Skills
  3. Establish relationship with the student

3- Teaching Traits

  1. Makes the subject interesting while teaching
  2. Encourages students to explore further
  3. Does not limit his teaching to books only
  4. Triggers curiosity so that students can investigate further
  5. Provides real-life examples to help students understand easily
  6. Recommends books and website references to students for further reading
  7. Pays attention to each student specially the ‘back-benchers’
  8. Makes the teaching an interactive session (not one-way lecture)
  9. Sets high expectation- provider print outs
  10. Uses right tool at the right moment (white board explanation, shows YouTube video, asks a student to re-explain, pictures, illustrations, prints handouts, info graphics, slides )
  11. Reduce overload
  12. Reduce distractions
  13. Takes frequent breaks
  14. Use educational games
  15. Practices Think-Pair-Share approach
  16. Promotes contradiction that lead to learning
  17. Encourages reading
motivation optimism success leader kid confidence
33 Qualities of a Great Teacher


  1. Member of respective journals and forums
  2. Disciplined
  3. Classroom management skills
  4. Forward thinking mindset
  5. Record management

Overall Personality

  1. Engaging personality
  2. Interesting (not boring)
  3. Kind, patient, caring
  4. Practices different methods of teaching and learning
  5. Adaptive learning
  6. Question based learning
  7. Experimental learning
  8. Knows how to handle different types of students (bullying student, dull student, over smart student, naughty students etc)

References:Prodigygame, Pearsoned, snhu

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