50+ Effective Parenting Tips For Toddlers and Teenagers – Part 5

by Junaid.Tahir

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Parenting Tips Part 1 || Parenting Tips Part 2 || Parenting Tips Part 3 || Parenting Tips Part-4

47.    Not everyone is A grader –  Don’t expect your kids to bring home the best progress report from school. Everyone is ‘differently’ genius. Some kids are best in academics while others are best in art, speaking skills, sports or in another field. Remember, only 5-10 percent of kids are A-graders and the world has not fallen due to this. So do not dishearten your kids by taunting them or forcing them to be the topper; instead encourage them to do things which they are best at. Soon you will find out their unique qualities and skills. Once you know, polish them more and help your kids shine all the way!   

48.    Visit Orphan House– Life never stops teaching; it keeps offering different flavors throughout. Some days we are excited, happy and satisfied while we experience tragic moments at certain stage of life. If your kids only enjoy the luxuries of life and are not exposed to challenges and problems, they will have difficult times in future. Taking them to Orphan House will help them understand the difficulties of orphans and being thankful to God for what they have. Taking some gifts (clothes, books and toys) and handing over to orphans will establish a soft and emotional bond between your kids and the less-fortunate kids of society.

49.    Visit Grave Yard –  One of the reasons for taking them to graveyards is to let them now that one day they will have same phase of life. Statistics prove that people who remember death are more happier than the ones who don’t. The reason they explain is that a person who understands that he has to leave this world one day, will have less greed, less expectations and less desires. Also you can use this opportunity to ignite their thoughts about their spiritual connection with God and explain them the concept of accountability (that God will do) after death. The benefit for this exercise is that your kids will have the sense of responsibility and the mission to do good in life.   

50.    Visit grandparents quite often – You don’t need to have a reason or benefit for taking your kids to their grandparents’ place. It is the right of grandparents that you and your kids meet them quite often. While it is highly recommended to keep your parents with you and give them all the love you have, however, if this is not possible for any reason, it is extremely important to take your kids to them very frequently. This is needed to teach your kids to value their relationships with elder people of society and also remember the blessings of youth. Further, grandparents have many life experiences which you may not have had. Their advices and guidance, and their prayers for you will always pave the way of success for you and your kids.

51.    Guide them about Sexual limitations – Due to advancement of technology and ease of availability of all kind of good and bad information, kids are getting exposed to sexual stuff at much earlier age than they are supposed to. Having said that, it is imperative for you to speak to your kids about such subjects so that they do not try to explore it themselves on internet. If they do, they will land in unethical, illicit and sensitive websites without you being aware of it. It is important for you to decide about what information and how much of it should be told to your kids based on their age category and their gender. Explain to them about distancing needs after they have become ‘adults’. Let them know the religious, social and lawful consequences of such acts. If you do not make sincere efforts on this subject, your kids will start searching about such stuff out of curiosity and may want to try this out practically that may lead to unexpected situations for you.

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