06-Jan Effective Parenting Daily Lesson #6

by Junaid Tahir

In this, 06-Jan Effective Parenting Daily Lesson, Let’s discover something new with our Fun Fact. After you’ve cracked the riddle, engage in a funny story with a life long lesson, learn something new with our Idiom of the Day. Let’s make today both fun and educational!

The Noble Reminder for Today

إِن تَكُ مِثْقَالَ حَبَّةٍ مِّنْ خَرْدَلٍ فَتَكُن فِي صَخْرَةٍ أَوْ فِي السَّمَاوَاتِ أَوْ فِي الْأَرْضِ يَأْتِ بِهَا اللَّهُ

If it be (anything) equal to the weight of a grain of mustard seed, and though it be in a rock, or in the heavens or in the earth, Allah will bring it forth.

اگر کوئی عمل رائی کے دانہ کے برابر ہو پھر وہ کسی پتھر کے اندر ہو یا وہ آسمان کے اندر ہو یا زمین کے اندر ہو تب بھی الله اس کو حاضر کر دے گا

AlQuran 31 16 Updated
06-Jan Effective Parenting Daily Lesson #6 16

Motivational Thought – Speak the Truth

Think of telling the truth as being a superhero – Truth-Teller! 

 You don’t need a cape (though one would be cool) because your superpower is honesty! Sure, sometimes it’s hard, like admitting you broke the vase while practicing your ninja moves, but being honest makes people trust you more, and trust is like gold! So even when telling the truth feels tricky, remember: you’re basically a superhero who fights fibs with honesty – and that’s a pretty awesome power to have!

Character Tip – Staying Flexible Is not About Touching Toes

Staying flexible isn’t just about being able to touch your toes or do a cool backbend – it’s also about being able to go with the flow when things don’t go exactly as planned! Sometimes, you might have your heart set on playing soccer after school, but then it rains, and the game is canceled. Instead of getting upset, being flexible means you can quickly switch gears and find something else fun to do, like having a movie marathon with your friends or learning a new card trick. When you’re flexible, you turn a bummer moment into an awesome new adventure!

Think of it like being a tree in the wind – when the wind blows, the tree bends and sways but doesn’t break. That’s what staying flexible is all about! If something unexpected happens, like your favorite pizza place being closed or your team losing a game, you don’t let it ruin your day. You bend a little, adjust, and find a new way to enjoy the moment. Being flexible helps you stay positive and ready for whatever comes your way! Plus, it makes life way more interesting!

Riddle Of The Day – What Comes Once In A Minute

Riddle: What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years? (Answer of this riddle is later within this article)

Technical Tip – Using Face ID or Touch ID

Hey teens! You know how important it is to keep your phones and personal information safe, right? Well, using Face ID or Touch ID (fingerprint) is one of the easiest and most secure ways to protect your devices. These features make it super quick to unlock your phone, and they add an extra layer of security that passwords or patterns can’t always offer. Since no one else has your face or fingerprint, it’s almost impossible for someone to break into your phone. Plus, it makes logging into apps or making payments faster and safer. So, take a moment to set up Face ID or Touch ID and keep your phone—and everything on it—secure!

Health Tip – Milk is Powerful

Hey kids! Did you know that drinking milk every day is like giving your body superpowers? Milk is full of important nutrients like calcium and vitamin D, which help make your bones strong and your teeth healthy. It also gives you energy to play, learn, and grow! Whether you’re at school, on the playground, or just hanging out, drinking milk helps your body stay strong and ready for anything. So, make sure to drink a glass of milk every day and give your body the strength it needs to be its best!

Fun Facts – Your Body is Amazing

  • Your heart beats about 100,000 times a day! That means it’s pumping blood non-stop, keeping you alive and active every second of the day.
  • You have over 600 muscles in your body! Even when you’re sitting still, your muscles are working to help you breathe, digest food, and support your posture.
  • Your brain can generate enough electricity to power a lightbulb! The brain sends electrical signals throughout your body, and these signals are powerful enough to light up a small bulb.
  • Bones are stronger than steel! Ounce for ounce, your bones are actually stronger than steel, helping your body stay strong and protected.
  • Humans are the best long-distance runners on Earth! Believe it or not, your body is built for endurance running, and you can outlast most animals in a marathon race.

Riddle Answer

Answer: The letter “M.”

Short Story – Car Racing Game or Zombies Game?

Once upon a time, there were two best friends, Ali and Bilal, who loved playing video games together. One day, a fierce argument broke out over which game was better: Ali loved “Super Car Race 3000,” while Bilal insisted that “Zombie Attack Mayhem” was the greatest game ever. The fight got so intense that they stopped talking for a whole day. Ali couldn’t believe Bilal would choose zombies over fast cars, and Bilal thought Ali was crazy for picking cars over battling the undead. Their moms even had to step in, wondering why the boys were sulking.

The next day, Bilal showed up at Ali’s house with a bag of chips and a sheepish grin. “Look, maybe racing cars isn’t so bad,” Bilal said, “but only if we can do it in zombie mode!” Ali laughed, “Fine, but only if I get to run over zombies with a supercharged car!” They both cracked up, realizing how silly their fight had been. So, they made a deal: every time they played, they would switch between racing and zombies, combining the best of both worlds.

video game kid 2 1 6
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From that day on, Ali and Bilal started giving each other’s ideas a chance. They even created their own game: “Zombie Super Race Mayhem,” where the winner had to outrun the zombies while racing across wild tracks. Not only did they have more fun, but they learned that sometimes, the best ideas come when you listen to each other—especially if snacks are involved!

After a while, Max paused the game and said, “Why are we yelling? Let’s just talk about it.” Sam realized Max was right and replied, “Okay, I’m sorry for yelling. I was just trying to help.” Max grinned, “And I’m sorry for not listening! Let’s just argue next time without all the shouting!” They both laughed and agreed that being calm and talking things through was way more fun than yelling. After that, they continued the game, but this time, they argued like proper friends—without any yelling and with plenty of laughter!

Idiom Of The Day – Break the Bank

  • Explanation: Explanation: To spend all of one’s money.
  • Sentence: We don’t need to break the bank to have a good vacation; there are plenty of affordable options.

Parenting Tip Of The Day – Staying Calm

Another tip for maintaining a calm and stress-free home environment is to establish clear routines and boundaries for everyone in the family. Having consistent routines for meals, homework, chores, and bedtime helps create structure, which reduces chaos and anxiety. When everyone knows what to expect, there are fewer surprises, misunderstandings, and last-minute rushes. Additionally, ensure that each family member has personal time to relax and recharge, whether through reading, hobbies, or quiet time. This balance between structure and personal space helps create a peaceful atmosphere where everyone feels grounded and less stressed.

Further Reading

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