Process of Hiring a Great Teacher with 10 Critical Skills

Process of Hiring a Great Teacher with 10 Critical Skills

Hiring a teacher for your school involves a systematic process to ensure that you find the best candidates who meet your requirements and can contribute effectively to your educational institution. Before we start the Process of Hiring a Great Teacher with 10 Critical Skills let us first just focus on the 10 critical skills of great teachers.

Great teachers possess a wide range of skills that enable them to effectively engage students, create an optimal learning environment, and facilitate academic and personal growth. Here are ten critical skills of a great teacher

10 Critical Skills of a Great Teacher

1- Content Knowledge

A great teacher has a deep understanding of the subject matter they teach. They possess expertise in their field and continuously update their knowledge to deliver accurate and relevant information to students.

2- Communication

Effective communication is vital for a teacher to convey ideas, instructions, and concepts clearly to students. Great teachers are skilled in both verbal and nonverbal communication, adapting their style to meet the diverse needs of their students.

Process of Hiring a Great Teacher with 10 Critical Skills
Process of Hiring a Great Teacher with 10 Critical Skills 23

3- Classroom Management

Excellent classroom management skills are crucial for maintaining a positive and productive learning environment. A great teacher can establish clear expectations, manage 50 types of students’ behavior, and create a structured and organized classroom setting that fosters learning.

4- Differentiation

Every student has unique learning needs and abilities. A great teacher understands how to differentiate instruction, providing various methods and resources to meet the diverse learning styles and needs of their students. They modify their teaching to ensure that every student can succeed.

5- Assessment and Feedback

Effective teachers use a variety of assessment strategies to evaluate student progress and understanding. They provide timely and constructive feedback to help students improve their learning and reach their full potential. They use assessments to guide their instructional decisions and tailor their teaching accordingly.

6- Adaptability

Great teachers are flexible and adaptable. They can modify their instructional approaches based on student needs and respond effectively to unexpected situations or challenges. They embrace change and continuously seek new methods and strategies to enhance their teaching.

7- Empathy

A great teacher understands and empathizes with their students’ perspectives, experiences, and emotions. They create a supportive and inclusive classroom environment where students feel valued, respected, and understood. They build strong relationships with students and show care and concern for their well-being.

8- Collaboration

Collaboration is essential for a great teacher. They work collaboratively with colleagues, parents, and other stakeholders to enhance the educational experience of their students. They actively seek input and ideas, share best practices, and contribute to a positive and collaborative school culture. This article is about Process of Hiring a Great Teacher with 10 Critical Skills

9- Creativity

Great teachers bring creativity and innovation into their teaching. They design engaging and interactive lessons that capture students’ interest and stimulate their curiosity. They incorporate varied instructional approaches, technology, and real-world examples to make learning exciting and relevant.

Process of Hiring a Great Teacher with 10 Critical Skills
Process of Hiring a Great Teacher with 10 Critical Skills 24

10- Lifelong Learning

A great teacher is a lifelong learner themselves. They are committed to professional growth and continuously seek opportunities for self-improvement. They stay updated with the latest research, attend professional development workshops, collaborate with peers, and reflect on their teaching practices to enhance their effectiveness

These skills, when combined with a passion for teaching and a genuine concern for student success, contribute to the development of a great teacher who can inspire and make a lasting impact on their students’ lives.

Now that you have understood the 10 critical skills, it’s time to go through Process of Hiring a Great Teacher with 10 Critical Skills

Process of Hiring a Great Teacher with 10 Critical Skills

Here are the steps you can follow:

1- Define the Position

Determine the specific teaching position you need to fill, such as subject area, grade level, or specialized role (e.g., special education, language instructor).

2- Develop a Job Description

Create a detailed job description outlining the responsibilities, qualifications, and expectations for the position. Include information about the school, its values, and the desired skills and experience of the candidate. This article is about Process of Hiring a Great Teacher with 10 Critical Skills

3- Advertise the Position

Promote the job opening through various channels. These may include posting on your school’s website, educational job boards, local or national newspapers, and relevant professional networks or associations.

4- Application Screening

Review the applications and resumes you receive. Assess the candidates based on their qualifications, experience, education, certifications, and any other criteria you have established. Shortlist the most promising candidates for further evaluation.

5- Conduct Interviews

Arrange interviews with the shortlisted candidates. Prepare a set of questions to assess their teaching philosophy, pedagogical strategies, classroom management techniques, and their fit within the school culture. You may consider conducting multiple rounds of interviews, including panel interviews involving administrators, teachers, and other stakeholders.

6- Observe Teaching Demonstrations

Invite the top candidates to deliver a teaching demonstration or lesson to a group of students or a panel of observers. This step allows you to assess their instructional skills, engagement with students, and ability to create a positive learning environment.

7- Check References

Contact the references provided by the candidates to gain insights into their past performance, teaching abilities, and interpersonal skills. Ask specific questions related to the candidate’s strengths, weaknesses, and overall suitability for the position.

8- Background Checks

Conduct background checks, including criminal records and verification of educational qualifications, to ensure the candidates meet your school’s standards and legal requirements. This includes LinkedIn profile review as well.

9- Decision-Making

Evaluate all the information gathered during the selection process and compare the candidates based on their qualifications, interviews, teaching demonstrations, and references. Consider factors such as experience, subject expertise, teaching style, cultural fit, and the ability to work collaboratively with colleagues.

10- Job Offer

Extend a job offer to the selected candidate, outlining the terms and conditions of employment, including salary, benefits, start date, and any other relevant details. Allow sufficient time for the candidate to review and respond to the offer.

11- Onboarding and Orientation

Once the candidate accepts the offer, provide them with a comprehensive onboarding and orientation process. Introduce them to the school’s policies, procedures, curriculum, resources, and any other necessary information to help them integrate smoothly into the school community.

Remember to follow your school’s specific hiring policies, consult with relevant stakeholders, and ensure compliance with local employment laws throughout the hiring process.

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A graphic designer visualizes the concepts and produces a ā€˜hardā€™ copy of the thoughts in digital format or paper sketch with the purpose of inspiring someone, generating a sale, motivating a customer, attracting the reader or simply conveying a message to its audience. 7 Graphics Tools Students Can Use to Make Money

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5 Negative Impacts of AI on Education

5 Negative Impacts of AI on Education

AI has undeniably revolutionized various sectors, including education, but it is important to acknowledge that there can be some negative impacts as well. While AI presents several advantages in the field of education, it’s important to be cautious of the following potential drawbacks. 5 Negative Impacts of AI on Education

Dependence on Technology

With AI integration, there is a risk of increased reliance on technology. Over-reliance on AI tools and platforms might discourage students from developing essential cognitive and problem-solving skills and life skills that can only be cultivated through human interaction and critical thinking.

Inequitable Access

Although AI has the potential to democratize education by making it more accessible, there is a risk of creating a digital divide. Students from disadvantaged backgrounds or regions with limited access to technology may face barriers in benefiting from AI-enhanced education, worsening existing inequalities. Check out this resource How Technology And The Internet Affect Children’s Development

Lack of Personalized Human Touch

While AI can personalize learning experiences to some extent, it cannot fully replace the human touch. Students often require emotional support, motivation, and guidance, which can be better provided by educators. Over-reliance on AI might diminish the personal connection between teachers and students, potentially affecting students’ engagement and motivation.

Ethical Concerns

AI raises ethical issues surrounding data privacy, security, and ethics. Integrating AI into education involves collecting and utilizing vast amounts of student data. If not handled with utmost care, this may compromise student privacy, leading to potential misuse or unauthorized access to sensitive data.

Erosion of Job Roles

The introduction of AI in education may lead to concerns about job replacement for teachers or education professionals. While AI can automate non-teaching administrative tasks, it is crucial to strike a balance where technology complements teachers’ roles rather than replacing them altogether. While AI is going to produce several kinds of new roles, there are many job types that are on risk. See this article about jobs most likely to be lost and created because of AI | World Economic Forum (

5 Negative Impacts of AI on Education
Process of Hiring a Great Teacher with 10 Critical Skills 43

So these are the 5 Negative Impacts of AI on Education. To mitigate these negative impacts, a careful and responsible approach should be adopted while integrating AI in education. It should be viewed as a tool to enhance rather than replace human interactions, ensuring equitable access to technology, and prioritizing student privacy and well-being. By doing so, we can harness the full potential of AI while mitigating its negative consequences in education.

Now that we have read 5 Negative Impacts of AI on Education, let us also look at the other side of the picture and see what positive impacts AI has caused on education:

The impact of AI on education is significant and has the potential to revolutionize the way we learn and teach. AI technologies, with their ability to process and analyze vast amounts of data, can enhance the educational experience in several ways.

Personalized Learning

One major area of impact is personalized learning. AI-powered systems have the capability to adapt to individual student needs and provide tailored content. This ensures that each learner receives a customized educational experience, allowing them to progress at their own pace. For example, intelligent tutoring systems can identify a student’s strengths and weaknesses, offering targeted support and feedback.

Ease of Administration

Additionally, AI can enhance the efficiency of administrative tasks, freeing up valuable time for teachers to focus on instruction. Automated grading systems can provide quick and consistent feedback on assessments, enabling teachers to monitor student progress more effectively. This streamlining of administrative tasks allows educators to dedicate more time to engaging with students and delivering high-quality teaching.

Beyond the Boundaries

Moreover, AI can provide access to educational resources and expertise regardless of geographical limitations. Through online platforms and virtual classrooms, students can access educational content and connect with teachers and peers from around the world. This global collaboration and knowledge sharing expand educational opportunities for all, fostering a global community of learners.

Support for Special Educational Needs

Furthermore, AI-based tools can support students with special educational needs. For instance, speech recognition systems can help individuals with speech impairments, and text-to-speech technology can assist those with dyslexia. Such AI applications promote inclusivity and enable a more diverse range of learners to thrive in the educational environment.

However, it is important to recognize the ethical considerations surrounding the use of AI in education. Safeguarding student privacy, ensuring transparency in decision-making algorithms, and mitigating bias are crucial aspects that must be addressed to ensure the responsible and ethical deployment of AI technologies in education.

In conclusion, AI has the potential to revolutionize education by personalizing learning, streamlining administrative tasks, promoting global collaboration, and supporting students with special needs. By harnessing the power of AI, we can create a more inclusive and effective educational system that prepares students for the challenges of the future.

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Process of Hiring a Great Teacher with 10 Critical Skills

Process of Hiring a Great Teacher with 10 Critical Skills

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11 Tricks to Motivate Students Outside the Classroom

11 Tricks to Motivate Students Outside the Classroom

Teachers all over the world face the challenge of motivating their students. Students’ motivation can make a difference between a successful learning experience and failure. However, it can be challenging to motivate students who grow up in a world that thrives on short attention spans and does not place a high value on academic achievement. This article is on 11 Tricks to Motivate Students Outside the Classroom

While it is a teacher’s responsibility to motivate their students inside the classroom, it is also crucial to encourage students’ motivation outside the classroom. In this article, we will share 11 amazing tips to boost the motivation of students.

The Consequences of Unmotivated Students

Unmotivated students can experience significant consequences that can impact their lives both inside and outside the classroom. Students who lack motivation can have lower academic performance, increased absent percentage, and donā€™t have interest in their studies. These negative effects can cause students to feel anxious and overwhelmed, leading to a lack of confidence in their academic abilities. It is, therefore, crucial for teachers to understand why it is essential to motivate their students outside the classroom.

Why is Motivating Students Outside the Classroom Important?

Motivating students outside the classroom can be just as important as motivating them inside the classroom. It helps to ensure that students are engaged and interested in learning and have a positive attitude toward their academic pursuits.

Moreover, by motivating students outside the classroom, teachers can encourage students to take ownership of their academic achievements. Students who are motivated are more likely to take on new challenges, set higher goals, and reach their full potential.

11 Tricks to Motivate Students Outside the Classroom

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11 Tricks to Motivate Students Outside the Classroom

  1. Set Goals – Setting goals is a great way to motivate students outside the classroom. Setting clear, achievable goals for students helps to motivate them to strive for success. It is important to set measurable, specific, and realistic study goals. When students know what they are working towards, they are more likely to be motivated and focused.
  2. Bring a Competition – Competition can be a powerful motivator. Students are naturally competitive, and this can be a powerful tool to motivate them outside the classroom. Tutors can create a friendly contest out of homework that makes learning fun and exciting. It encourages students to work harder and do their best to win.
  3. Setup Collaboration – Collaboration is another way to foster students’ motivation. Encouraging students to work together can help to motivate them to achieve more. Collaboration allows students to use their strengths to accomplish a goal. This not only makes learning more engaging but also helps to build teamwork skills.
  4. Offer Rewards – Offering rewards for academic achievements is a great way to motivate students. Rewards can be anything from a certificate to a small gift card. Rewards provide students with a tangible goal and can make academic pursuits more exciting.
  5. Involve Parents – Parents can be great motivators for students outside the classroom. When parents show an interest in their child’s education, it conveys that learning is important. Parents can offer support, encouragement, and help to keep students on track. Chek out this detailed resource 68 Tips for Modern & Effective parenting
  6. Student-Centered Learning – The best learning occurs when students are actively involved in the process. Teachers can make learning more student-centered by allowing students to have some control over their learning. For instance, students can choose their projects or research topics. This makes learning more meaningful and motivating.
  7. Encourage Students to Participate – Encouraging students to participate in class can be motivational for them. Students are more likely to feel engaged and motivated when they are involved in class discussions, activities, and projects.
  8. Arrange Extra-Curricular Activities – Extra-curricular activities provide students with an opportunity to develop skills and interests outside the classroom. These activities can range from sports, music, drama, clubs, and volunteer work. Giving a break from traditional learning and arranging extra-curricular activities that align with students’ interests. It maximizes their motivation and allows them to identify their passions or interests.
  9. Make Learning Fun – Not everything has to be boring and serious. When learning is fun, it becomes more motivating. Teachers can introduce games, music, and other engaging activities that make learning enjoyable. In this way, students are more likely to remain motivated and interested
  10. Give Constructive Feedback – Giving feedback makes students aware of their progress. Through constructive criticism given by home tutors and traditional teachers, students can improve their work and become more motivated to achieve their goals. When feedback is specific and constructive, it helps students to understand what they are doing well and what they need to improve. This can be a powerful motivator, as it helps students to see the progress they are making.
  11. Plug into Technology – Technology is an important part of the lives of many students. Teachers can use technology to enhance the learning experience, making it more engaging and motivating. This can include online resources, educational apps, and interactive tools.

Why Home Tutors are Best for Motivating Students

Home tutors can be a great way to motivate students. Through one-on-one instruction, private tutors help students to learn at their own pace. By hiring an affordable home tutor students get personalized attention, flexible schedules, and extra support outside of the classroom. This helps students to stay on track and achieve their goals. This individualized approach can be especially effective for students who struggle with traditional classroom settings or need extra support to keep up with their peers. 11 Tricks to Motivate Students Outside the Classroom. This article is about 11 Tricks to Motivate Students Outside the Classroom

Furthermore, tutors can provide an extra level of motivation and encouragement, helping students to see the value of their education. By offering guidance and constructive feedback, tutors can help students build confidence and develop a deeper understanding of their subjects.

The affordability and flexibility of home tuition make it an attractive option for students and families looking to enhance their educational experience.

The Bottom Line

As this article is about 11 Tricks to Motivate Students Outside the Classroom, A key component of learning is motivating students. By using a variety of techniques, teachers can help to keep students engaged, interested, and motivated. Whether it’s through setting goals, providing feedback, or incorporating technology, there are many ways to motivate students both inside and outside the classroom. Home tutors can also be a valuable resource for motivating students by providing personalized attention and support. With these strategies, teachers can help students to achieve their full potential and succeed in their education.

How Technology and the Internet Affect Children’s Development

How Technology and the Internet Affect Children’s Development

Many are asking questions about how the internet and emerging technologies affect children’s development. We live in a digital world, with numerous people relying on their phones to manage everything from banking to finding a date. And with one-in-three American families homeschooling, most kids these days never face a day without an iPhone or iPad in sight. This article provides details on How Technology and the Internet Affect Children’s Development

Maybe you are wondering if all of the technology is good for your family. There are obvious benefits of connecting to the world and using many different digital devices in our daily lives.

But what about the downsides? In this article, we will cover some of the common concerns and concerns that parents face when it comes to their kids and technology. 

What are the Benefits of Technology and the Internet for Kids?

The internet has revolutionized the way we communicate and share information. The once small world that existed before the internet age is slowly fading away as we become more connected to people around the globe. Children these days are growing up accustomed to using technology regularly, and it is having a positive impact on them in a number of ways.

excited happy confidence kid 1 1 5
How Technology and the Internet Affect Children’s Development


Technology is improving the way children focus and learn. Children develop a higher concentration span through computer games, apps, and educational programs. It is becoming easier for them to focus on tasks of interest and take charge of their learning.

This greatly enhances their ability to learn in the classroom and do homework with less distraction and focus. In addition, they feel more motivated and inspired to learn more.


Children today spend much time communicating online through social media and various messaging services. This helps them develop a wide range of social skills that will help them communicate better in person. Children today also communicate with their peers around the world, which enlarges their opportunities to interact with people from different parts of the world.

It also helps them develop empathy and compassion, as they can better relate to people in far-away areas. Their communication skills have become more refined, and they can have a unique voice. This can make them more confident and self-assured when talking to others.


Technology is improving the way children study. They spend less time doing boring homework assignments and more time learning something new with stimulating games and apps that teach them about different subjects, ranging from science to philosophy to history.

This is a great way to keep them engaged in school and learn new things that are fascinating to them instead of getting easily bored from mundane tasks.


Technology also encourages kids to develop their creativity and imagination, which helps them have more fun at home. As they age, they may use different websites or social media services such as Instagram or Snapchat to express ideas and share photos with friends. They can also use a game or create a drawing app on their phone to make something they have always wanted.

Having a creative outlet is a great way to relieve some of the stress in their lives, and it can even help them make new friends online.


Technology has given children more ability and space to express themselves. They can make their music, art, or even a short movie as they age. This is great for their self-confidence as it helps them feel more valuable and artistic. They also can self-publish a book or develop an app without their parents’ assistance.
This helps children develop the confidence they need to continue growing as individuals, which is a valuable skill for them.


The age of technology has made the family bond much stronger. Parents and kids can quickly share photos, videos, and messages through social media. They can even text or talk on the phone instead of waiting for an email back. This is a great way to keep in touch when they are away from home or busy.

Technology has also helped parents stay informed about their kids’ day-to-day activities and understand them better. This article is about How Technology and the Internet Affect Children’s Development

What is the downside of the Internet and Technology?

The Internet has brought many positive changes to our society. They bring us closer and help us keep in touch with people no matter where they are in the world.

However, if kids use the internet too much, they can start to be distracted by it or become addicted to it. This can distract them from school or family time and make them lose interest in real-life experiences. 

How Technology and the Internet Affect Children's Development
How Technology and the Internet Affect Children’s Development

Some of the common concerns parents have about technology include:


Young children may often become too absorbed in digital games and other devices. As they age, they may be able to resist the temptation of pressing the “send” button and spending hours on their phones. But as they grow up, this habit can cause them to lose interest in the things that are important to them.


The internet can also lead to an obsession with technology, which becomes very dangerous for their health and relationships with others. Young children who spend too much time on the Internet may develop anxiety or depression.

It can also harm their social skills, as they become weaker when communicating in person instead of through a screen. This can lead them to feel insecure and become shyer in social situations.


The internet has also led to cyberbullying, which is sometimes harder to detect and deal with than traditional forms of bullying. Cyberbullying can occur when children post rude or mean comments on someone’s profile.

They may also send unkind and anonymous messages to other users online, making this a difficult issue to deal with. Cyberbullying can also reduce self-esteem and make them feel bad about themselves. Parents need to talk to their kids about this problem to understand the dangers and how to avoid them.


The internet can also expose children to pornography, often leading to sexual curiosity or abuse. Parents may also have difficulty monitoring their kids’ online activities, which is why they should talk to them about these dangers and help educate them on how to deal with this type of content.


The internet can also make children feel lonely and isolated, as they tend to disconnect from others in real life. They may find it easy to talk about themselves online, but this can make them uncomfortable when dealing with people face to face. If a child spends too much time on their phones or computers, they tend to have difficulty expressing themselves when speaking in person and seeing other people. This article is about How Technology and the Internet Affect Children’s Development

What Are the Prevention and Cope Mechanisms of Technology?

Technology can be a valuable tool for developing children’s communication skills, creativity, and education. It can also help them manage their stressful lives and entertain themselves differently.

However, parents should teach them the right way to use technology so that they don’t spend too much time on it. It is also essential for parents to talk to their kids about how they feel when they use it too often and help them cope with these feelings. Here are some helpful guidelines:


Young children should limit their social media use in order to allow them to focus on real-life activities. They should also set limits for themselves if they spend too much time on the internet.

Parents should also help their kids understand the adverse effects of their technology use and provide them with ways to cope with this problem, such as reading a book or trying something else. Another possible solution is restricting their Internet access while at school or going out with friends.


their inhibitions and express themselves without worrying about what their parents will think. It is also a good way for them to express themselves creatively through songs and conversations, which can be fun and healthy for their self-esteem. Parents can agree on the rules of these family dinners before they start, so they know what they can and cannot do.


Parents should also teach their kids to be responsible and respectful of other people’s privacy online. Teach them about their personal safety and how to stay safe online in a fun way so they understand it without being afraid. It is also important for kids to know that the Internet isn’t all good, and they shouldn’t engage in cyberbullying or illegal activity. How Technology and the Internet Affect Children’s Development


Technology is not bad. It helps us do things faster and more efficiently. The trouble lies in the fact that we, the individuals, are using this technology. The more technology we have, the easier it is for us to get distracted by trivial information and tasks. We are losing out on what real life has for us because we are so distracted by virtual life. To pursue a healthy lifestyle, we need to distinguish between what is good or bad for our children or us.

Author Bio

Andrea is currently the head of content management at SpringHive Web Design Company, a digital agency that provides creative web design, social media marketing, email marketing, and search engine optimization services to small businesses and entrepreneurs. She is also a blog contributor at Baby Steps Preschool where she writes storytime themes, parenting tips, and seasonal activities to entertain children.

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13 Life Skills That Are Not Taught At Schools

13 Life Skills That Are Not Taught At Schools

Schools play vital role in upbringing the kids and help them become best of human beings. However, the role of schools has widely been limited to professional knowledge and help earning money. Auther of this article has listed down and elaborated 13 life skills that are not taught at schools.

What Expectations Do You Have From The School?

What Expectations Do You Have From The School?

Everyone has different expectations from schools. Some are concerned about quality of education, some have grave concerns on discipline management, others are complaining about high school fee and the list goes on! This article summarizes the feedback from different sources to help understand the expectations from the school. The article is about What Expectations Do You Have From The School?

What Expectations Do You Have From The School?

Based on different surveys and researches below are the most common expectations of parents, students, teachers and educational authorities.

Parents’ expectations from the school

As a parent, having clear and reasonable expectations from your child’s school is important to ensure their educational, social, and emotional well-being. Here are some expectations you might consider:

1- Quality Education: Expect the school to provide a high-quality education that meets academic standards and helps your child develop essential skills in various subjects. This includes well-qualified teachers, a well-rounded curriculum, and appropriate teaching materials.

2- Safe and Supportive Environment: Expect the school to prioritize the safety and well-being of students. This involves implementing security measures, anti-bullying policies, and fostering a positive and inclusive atmosphere that promotes learning and emotional growth.

3- Effective Communication: Expect regular communication from the school regarding your child’s progress, upcoming events, and any concerns. This can be through newsletters, emails, parent-teacher conferences, and an online portal where you can track your child’s assignments and grades.

4- Individual Attention: While schools have multiple students, expect that the teachers and staff make efforts to understand and cater to your child’s individual needs, strengths, and challenges. This might involve differentiated instruction or additional support for those who need it.

5- Homework and Assignments: Expect reasonable and meaningful homework and assignments that reinforce classroom learning and allow your child to practice and apply what they’ve learned. Excessive homework can lead to burnout and stress, so a balanced approach is important.

6- Extracurricular Activities: Schools should offer a variety of extracurricular activities that allow students to explore their interests, develop skills beyond academics, and socialize with peers.

7- Teacher Quality: Expect the school to employ qualified and dedicated teachers who are not only knowledgeable but also caring and able to engage with students effectively.

8- Parental Involvement: The school should encourage and facilitate parental involvement. This can include volunteering opportunities, open-door policies, and parent-teacher association (PTA) meetings.

9- Feedback and Assessment: Expect regular feedback on your child’s progress and assessments that accurately measure their understanding of the material. This helps you stay informed about their academic growth.

10- Respect for Diversity: The school should promote an environment that respects and celebrates diversity in terms of cultures, backgrounds, abilities, and beliefs.

11- Resources and Facilities: Schools should provide adequate resources, such as textbooks, technology, and comfortable facilities, to support effective learning. Classrooms quality should be great for providing supportive environments.

12- Problem Resolution: Expect the school to address any concerns or issues promptly and professionally. This might include concerns related to bullying, academic struggles, or conflicts with teachers or other students.

Remember that while these expectations are important, it’s also crucial to maintain open communication with the school and be willing to collaborate with teachers and administrators to create the best possible educational experience for your child. Every school might have its unique strengths and challenges, so finding a balance between setting expectations and being flexible is key.

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What Expectations Do You Have From The School?

Some other thoughts from parents on what to expect from school:

Some schools are adapting to digital books and removing the paperback (printed) books. I am seriously against it. I expect schools to keep the traditional way of teaching as well. Students can make notes on books, and we, the parents, can keep track of what is being taught in school. With digital books, we cannot keep proper track of what is being taught at school.

I feel that School should be a place where not only you are educated as well as possible way but also where you could thrive in every possible way. School should be a place where students are most comfortable learning and are given the confidence to really achieve and be themselves in a positive learning environment.

There are several life skills that are not taught in schools. For example, Communication Skills, Ethical Skills, Emotional Skills, Resilience skills and Civic Skills. I expect schools to develop such courses as part of school curriculum.

Expect school to provide you a dashboard where you can see how your child is progressing. This dashboard should not be limited to his educational statistics, instead, it should have summary of different activities that your child has participated in, physical activities or awards that he/she has won, debates he has taken part in, some recommendation about his personality development, some recommendations about additional trainings or courses he should be considering for his/her career growth and for becoming a better human being.

Check out this source providing more surveys and opinions on parents’ expectations from the school

2- Students’ expectations from the school

As a student, having clear expectations from your school can help you make the most of your educational experience and ensure your overall well-being. Here are some expectations you might consider:

  1. Quality Education: Expect to receive a high-quality education that challenges you, helps you develop critical thinking skills, and provides a strong foundation in various subjects.
  2. Engaging Teaching: Expect your teachers to deliver engaging and interactive lessons that make learning interesting and relevant. Good teachers should be approachable and willing to help you understand the material.
  3. Respectful and Safe Environment: Expect to be treated with respect by teachers, staff, and fellow students. Also, you should feel safe at school, both physically and emotionally, free from bullying and harassment.
  4. Clear Expectations: Expect your teachers to communicate clear expectations for assignments, projects, and assessments. Knowing what is expected of you can help you plan your time and perform well academically.
  5. Feedback and Assessment: Expect to receive timely and constructive feedback on your work and assessments. This helps you understand your strengths and areas for improvement.
  6. Access to Resources: Expect access to necessary learning resources, such as textbooks, online materials, and technology, to support your learning journey.
  7. Inclusion and Diversity: Expect the school to celebrate diversity and provide an inclusive environment that values all students, regardless of their background, race, gender, or abilities.
  8. Extracurricular Opportunities: Expect the school to offer a range of extracurricular activities, clubs, and sports that allow you to explore your interests, develop new skills, and interact with peers.
  9. Support Services: If you have specific learning needs, expect the school to provide support services such as tutoring, counseling, or accommodations to help you succeed.
  10. Time Management: Expect to learn effective time management skills. School life involves balancing academic work, extracurricular activities, and personal time.
  11. Healthy Environment: Expect the school to promote healthy habits, both physically and mentally. This might include providing nutritious meals, opportunities for physical activity, and access to counseling services.
  12. Opportunities for Growth: Expect your school to encourage personal growth and character development. This could involve programs that foster leadership, teamwork, and community service.
  13. Communication Channels: Expect the school to provide ways for you to voice your concerns, provide feedback, and engage in discussions about school policies and improvements.
  14. Preparation for Future: Expect your school to help you prepare for the future, whether that’s transitioning to higher education, entering the workforce, or pursuing other life goals.

Remember that your active participation and positive attitude play a significant role in making the most of your school experience. While schools have responsibilities to meet, your commitment to learning, engaging with teachers and peers, and taking advantage of available opportunities are crucial for your personal and academic growth.

Some other thoughts from students on what to expect from school:

1- I expect that our teachers should be more cooperative. They should teach not from their level of understanding but the studentsā€™ understanding level.

2- I expect my teachers not to shout on us. We do not have the same level of comprehension of subjects that you have (because of years of practice). Also, not all of us have equal level of intelligence. If some of us are not learning as per your expected pace, please engage us more, provide further guidance, involve our parents, make small groups where intelligent and normal students discuss different subjects together so that everyone learns and improves.

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What Expectations Do You Have From The School?

3- Teachers should tolerate the poorly crafted questions asked by low performers, instead they should encourage the students to ask more questions.

4- My teachers should provide me the opportunity to learn and understand the concepts and also allow me to provide feedback on my comprehension, so that I can apply this knowledge and achieve my goals of life.

3- Teachers’ Expectations From The School

As a teacher, you have the right to expect certain conditions and support from the school where you teach to effectively carry out your responsibilities and provide quality education to your students. Here are some expectations you might have:

  1. Supportive Leadership: Expect the school administration to provide clear and supportive leadership. This includes setting a positive tone, communicating effectively, and being available to address concerns and provide guidance.
  2. Professional Development: Expect opportunities for ongoing professional development. This could include workshops, training sessions, and resources that help you stay updated on teaching methods, curriculum changes, and educational trends.
  3. Classroom Resources: Expect access to necessary teaching materials, textbooks, technology, and supplies required to create an effective learning environment.
  4. Curriculum Support: Expect a well-structured curriculum that aligns with educational standards and guidelines. Clear guidelines and resources for curriculum planning can help you create engaging lessons.
  5. Reasonable Workload: Expect a reasonable workload that allows you to balance your teaching responsibilities with time for planning, grading, and personal life. Excessive workload can lead to burnout and negatively impact your teaching quality.
  6. Collaborative Environment: Expect a collaborative and supportive school culture where teachers can share ideas, collaborate on projects, and work together to enhance the overall educational experience.
  7. Classroom Management Support: Expect support for effective classroom management, including access to behavioral strategies, disciplinary policies, and guidance on handling challenging situations.
  8. Student Services: Expect access to student support services, such as counseling, special education resources, and interventions for students who need additional help.
  9. Feedback and Evaluation: Expect regular feedback and evaluation from school administrators to help you improve your teaching skills and identify areas of strength and growth.
  10. Respect and Recognition: Expect to be treated with respect and recognized for your dedication and hard work. A positive school culture values and appreciates its teaching staff.
  11. Safe Environment: Expect a safe and secure working environment for both you and your students. This includes measures to ensure physical safety and emotional well-being.
  12. Communication Channels: Expect effective communication channels with administrators, fellow teachers, parents, and students. Clear communication fosters understanding and cooperation.
  13. Professional Autonomy: Expect a certain degree of professional autonomy in designing lessons and implementing teaching strategies that best suit your students’ needs and your teaching style.
  14. Inclusive Practices: Expect support for creating an inclusive classroom that respects and accommodates diverse learning styles, backgrounds, and abilities.
  15. Career Advancement Opportunities: Expect opportunities for career growth and advancement within the school or the district, based on your performance and expertise.

Remember that a strong partnership between teachers and the school administration is essential for creating a positive and effective learning environment. Open communication and a shared commitment to student success can lead to a fulfilling teaching experience for both you and your students.

Some other thoughts from teachers on what to expect from school

1- School should provide strict polices for our protection from online bullying. Some students after leaving the school provide disgraceful remarks. While it cannot be controlled by the school if the student has completed the education, yet the school should work with education ministry to prevent this. May be I do not have a clear solution to my problem, but schools and ministry should find one!

2- Teach the teacher sessions should be provided by ministry as well as school. This will provide latest updates and teaching techniques and ideas to teachers and also such training sessions will bring all the teachers at same level of knowledge in terms of teaching approach.

4- Ministry of Education’s Expectations From The School

While it is Ministry of Education’s role to conceive, develop and implement the best-in-class policies, governance mechanisms and improvement plans, MoE expects schools to ensure such policies are adhered to. This includes digitalization techniques, online record management for kids, scholarships for needful children of society and so on. Read this detailed article on Roles of Ministry of Education

Final Thoughts

Quality of education is a vital indicator of a nation’s success as evident from the world’s leading countries. Developing countries must adapt to best quality standards as well to join the league of best nations.

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Comparison of Convergent and Divergent Students

Comparison of Convergent and Divergent Students

What is Convergent and Divergent Thinking

Convergent Thinking means that you observe something and exert your entire focus on that observation. Whereas Divergent Thinking means that the moment you observe something, your brain starts exploring on all the associated aspects related to that observation. Later part of this article will provide a Comparison of Convergent and Divergent Students.

Let me explain this with an example. Imagine a new town that does not have a pet shop and there is only one Chinese restaurant that does not provide authentic Chinese Food. Now imagine, one convergent and one divergent thinker visit this town. The convergent thinker will simply take this observation as a fact and move on with his/her life. However a divergent thinker will think the possibilities associated with this observation. For example, writing a blog on Chinese restaurants, starting a new business of pets, writing a letter to Municipality Office on the need of pet shops, finding an investor to open another Chinese restaurant, speaking to the manager of restaurant for improving food quality and so on.

I hope by now you would have understood the difference between convergent and divergent thinking. Just like the above example of two people, students also fall under convergent and divergent thinking categories. So, let us read some key points with regards to both categories of students:

Comparison of Convergent and Divergent Students

  1. Convergent students usually take the information as is. Their thinking pattern is limited hence they lack thinking beyond the information available in their course books.
  2. Convergent students possess low critical thinking skills hence they are poor decision makers in life.
  3. Convergent students lack creativity hence they don’t progress well if their profession requires designing new stuff or trying innovative ideas.
  4. Convergent students usually score good in exams because they memorize the course contents. Especially, in South Asian countries, these students outshine because their grades are based on memorization skills and not on the deep understanding of the contents.
  5. Convergent thinkers may perform well in Audit firms, Quality Control jobs however they still lack innovation and out of box thinking.
  6. Divergent students may not be the toppers however they become better thinkers, better decision makers and good leaders.
  7. Divergent students are fast learners and due to this skill their life-learning process is faster than those of convergent students. Divergent students enhance their wisdom levels due to their diverse thinking patterns.
  8. Divergent students possess good analytical skills. They think beyond the academics.
  9. Some of the scholars think that convergent thinking is based on logic and requires to-the-point focus, whereas divergent thinking is about creativity and diversification of the subject. Hence it is not fair to state that only divergent thinking is required to succeed in life.

Conclusion and Recommendations

After having this deep dive on convergent and divergent thinking, here are some recommendations:

  • Teachers should encourage children to share their thoughts after a specific chapter is taught in the class. This will trigger their thinking patterns.
  • Similarly, parents should encourage their children to speak about their observations when they visit a shop in the market, when they watch a YouTube video or when they study their course books at home.
  • Parents should not discourage if the child’s understanding on a specific subject is not right. Instead, they should praise their thinking efforts and guide them in a way that does not make them feel being dumb. Scolding children on tiny matters or making fun of their thoughts will kill their natural confidence to express their feelings next time. Such students develop week personalities when they grow up.
  • Traditional teaching methods cause students to memorize the contents and pass the exam. Such methods should be shun by schools and should be replaced by latest techniques that require igniting critical thinking skills.
  • Home assignments should be given to the students in a way that students will have to consult different group of people to find answers for, or have to explore internet to complete it.
  • Parents should empower their kids from different kind of personality traits perspective enabling them to become a great and successful human being.

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