According to Mikkegoes, Each programming language is simply a means to tell a computer what it should do. It’s a language your computer understands and knows how to process. When you learn a specific programming language, it’s a lot like learning any other language

Overview of Training – Introduction To Programming

Learn the basics of programming through HTML, CSS, Python, and JavaScript. Get extensive practice with hands-on exercises and projects that demonstrate your grasp of coding fundamentals, and build confidence in your ability to think and problem-solve like a programmer

What You Will Learn from Training – Introduction To Programming

A graduate of this program will be able to:
• Create basic web pages using HyperText Markup Language (HTML).
• Modify web page style with Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).
• Write Python scripts that use core programming concepts, including variables, functions, loops, classes,
objects, data types, conditionals, and debugging.
• Run Unix shell commands and Python code from a Command-Line Interface (CLI).
• Access and manipulate files on your computer using Python code.
• Use Python to get and process data from a web-based Application Programming Interface (API).
• Write basic JavaScript scripts that demonstrate core elements of the language, including data types,
variables, loops, functions, arrays, and objects.
• Use JavaScript and the Document Object Model (DOM) to create and modify web page content.

About Udacity

According to productmint, Udacity (a mashup of audacity and university) is an online provider of educational content and courses known as Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). Most of Udacity’s courses are created in cooperation with other companies, including the likes of Facebook, Intel, and Google, or educational institutions such as Stanford University

Next Steps

Visit Training – Introduction To Programming and subscribe to the training. An awesome career is waiting for you! Good Luck!

Other Trainings

Training – Android Basics By Google

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