What is more important play or study?

In our modern world, many parents struggle with deciding which is more important for their kids – Hands-on learning, Nature time, or studying? choose between the two – but it is essential to remember the benefits of each. Hands-on learning is much more fun for kids – and they tend to retain the information better. It also stimulates a child’s interest. This article is about What is more important play or study?

1.Nature time

The benefits of spending time outdoors have been documented in several studies, including a British study of 11-year-olds. The findings revealed that most kids spent less than 30 minutes outdoors after school. Another study of preschool children in Ohio found that half of the kids spent less than 23 minutes outdoors each day. And one in three spent no time outdoors at all. The positive impact of time in nature can be seen in both kids’ brain functions and moods and should be given as much importance as study time.

While children spend forty to fifty hours each week in child care, kindergarten, and school, The early childhood years are crucial for nurturing a child’s sense of empathy for the character and forming the basic orientation to the world. During this time, positive interactions in nature foster a caring attitude towards the environment. Parents and educators should model this enjoyment and comfort in nature to their children.

What is more important play or study?
What Is More Important Play Or Study?

Children need physical and mental exercise to develop correctly. Nature activities help a child’s development grow in many ways, including psychological and physical development. Contact with nature is essential to kids’ spiritual and mental development. Research studies also support the benefits of spending time in nature. Spending time outdoors helps improve students’ attention, concentration, and self-discipline. And the benefits of nature time for kids to go beyond academic achievement. Besides, it fosters creativity and helps kids develop a sense of peace.

Children exposed to nature are more likely to connect with peers, develop more vital social skills, and achieve academic success.The adult can guide the child’s exploration by creating natural settings and adding materials to enhance their experiences. It is also essential to observe what children are interested in and engage them in open-ended conversations.

Children develop emotional attachments to things that they are familiar with and comfortable with. Experiencing nature as a family and with a group of friends leads to a more active and environmentally conscious child. The emotional attachment to nature will be reflected in their understanding of the world around them. This will translate into increased responsibility for conservation and environmental protection. This is what makes a character more important than studying for kids.

Kids should be spending time outdoors every day, regardless of age, and not just in the classroom. Studies have found that children who spend a half-hour outside each day are happier, more confident, and less stressed than those who spend less time outside. Spending time outside can also build self-confidence and inspire creativity. For example, when children have less structured environments and more time to explore and learn, they tend to pay attention and are less likely to become anxious.

2. Hands-on learning

Research suggests that hands-on learning can boost students’ learning ability more effectively. When students have to work hard to learn something, they are more likely to retain the information, practice the skills, and create something independently. That’s because students can practice what they’re learning. Also, kids who participate in hands-on learning are more likely to be engaged in the learning process, which can be a valuable skill for their future.

Whether hands-on learning is more important for kids than studying is up to you. Almost eighty per cent of high school dropouts said that engaging in meaningful learning opportunities would keep them in school. It’s also beneficial for kids who struggle to focus. Students who take part in hands-on learning are more likely to enjoy the process of learning, which is a significant benefit. In contrast, students who study in a lecture class usually leave notes in a notebook or binder.

Unlike studying, hands-on learning kids activities engage both sides of the brain. Kids’ right hemisphere is responsible for visual and spatial processes, while the left side is responsible for analyzing and listening. When children have multiple learning styles, more connections form in the brain, and more relevant information is stored in the brain. Research shows that kids who combine various learning styles can perform better in school. Brain scans show more activity in sensory and motor-related areas than students who only learn through study.

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What is more important play or study?

hands-on learning and look for a school that offers both. Even if their children don’t attend a traditional classroom, they should ask their kids to do their homework outside the classroom. Ask about hands-on learning in virtual classrooms. approach is beneficial not only for children but also for the parents.

Another benefit of hands-on learning is that it promotes collaborative learning. Students learn faster when they work with other people and are not confined to the walls of a classroom. By doing so, they become more sociable, allowing them to develop their social skills and life skills. This helps them think outside of the box and explore career options they may otherwise have ruled out. Also, hands-on learning encourages students to explore and experiment and helps them think outside of the box.

Besides helping kids process new information, it engages their seven senses. Children develop their learning through trial and error, becoming confident in making mistakes. Kids who get frustrated and fail often learn best when they do things independently rather than by being spoon-fed information. By doing their homework outside of the classroom, they become self-sufficient and capable of taking on more challenging tasks. They learn through trial and error and keep trying until they reach the goal.


There are many benefits to homework. It reinforces classroom learning and helps kids develop essential study skills and a strong work ethic. Setting a homework schedule and removing distractions from home can help kids stay on task and produce good results. But is homework more important than playing outside? Here are a few reasons why it’s crucial. And what can parents do to help? 

What is more important play or study?
What Is More Important Play Or Study? 23

Do your kids study every day? Often, kids have less time to do homework than their parents do. However, if kids are more active, they can learn much faster than sitting and reading a book. They can even learn more by playing sports and staying fit than if they’re sedentary. This way, both study and activity are valuable. But what if your kids are not studying? If you think this is the case, do some research.


  1. Junaid.Tahir

    Hey Bushra, I have responded to you via email. Looking forward to hear from you soon 🙂

  2. Chris

    Kids study during playing and it’s better to combine both of these activities, especially if the kid is very young. There are so much ways to make studying interesting for them and they might not even know that they’re not just playing. For example, I like the way https://wunderkiddy.com/ does. It seems to be just printable games for kids, but these games help them develop their skills and knowledge.
    I’d prefer more active studying process when I was a child, but unfortunately this way of studying wasn’t very popular or developed.


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